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Real Life Game with online play

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    Real Life Game with online play

    Just spotted this on CEX

    Never mind the digitised world in The Getaway and forget about the make-believe boulevards of Grand Theft Auto, the funky fashionistas at the ICA are teaming up with arts group Blast Theory to create Uncle Roy All Around You - a game set partly on your computer screen and partly on the real life streets of London.

    Players are lent a handheld computer and set loose on the streets of Westminster with the task of locating the mysterious Uncle Roy within a time limit of 60 minutes. Meanwhile, online players are able to hunt down these runners using a virtual map, webcams and live audio. If they manage to corner a runner, that player is knocked out of the game. to play online is free.
    The fun and games take place between 3pm-8pm, from Wednesday 28th of May to Saturday 7th June (closed Monday and Tuesday).

    To play as a street runner will cost ?6 (?5 concessions, or ?4 for ICA members) - and there aren't many other ways of keeping yourselves entertained for an hour in the centre of London for that paltry sum. Better still, the nice organisers are kindly offering a ?1 reduction on all the prices to anyone who mentions 'CeX' as a password. Woo!

    Will this be the start of things to come?

    It all seems a bit "Running Man," to me!

