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Current Gen Future Classics?

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    Current Gen Future Classics?

    Before we march on to the next generation of consoles it would be nice to get some kind of list going of what absolute classics this gen of consoles have brought us and maybe what titles (if any) may become collectable or at least more sought after.

    Jet Set Radio Future
    Street Fighter AC
    Burnout 2
    Ninja Gaiden

    Devil May Cry 1+3
    God of War
    Onimusha series
    Hot Shots 3+4
    GTA series
    Pro Evo 3/4

    Zelda WW
    Resi 4
    Paper Mario2
    Metroid Prime
    Monkey Ball

    Feel free to add what other titles you consider future classics.

    Project Gotham Racing 2
    pikmin 2
    oddworld stranger



      Ignored upon release, but with an amazing sense of style, some stunning aerial combat and some geniunely excellent AI. Give it 5 more years, and people will be fighting for copies.



        Panzer Dragoon Orta
        Outrun 2

        Gradius V
        Tekken 5
        ZOE: 2ND Runner

        Dreamcast ( ):
        Too many!


          Noone's said Katamari Damashi



            GC: F-Zero GX
            GC: Metroid Prime
            GC: RE4

            Coming up on GC:

            Chibi Robo
            new Zelda

            PS2: Gradius V
            PS2: ICO

            Xbox: Halo


              Tales of Symphonia.

              I know some people weren't really taken by it, but I loved every second. Gorgeous graphical style, effective and intuitive battle system, fantastic music and a great, feel-good story!


                I'm hoping Ninja Gaiden will be forgotten about. I was so dissapointed by it, bland bland bland.

                I really liked elements of Jet Set Radio Future but the structure of the game was god awful. It's often next to impossible to work out what you should be doing next. Well it was for me anyway, the challange should be the gameplay not in the horrible level structure. A simplistic game such as this really should be linear, and if not the objectives should be clearly signposted.

                Gun Valkyrie may become a future classic as it was virtually igonored upon release. Even though it's basically 3rd person action shooter, there doesn't seem to any other games that play the same way.


                  Donkey kong jungle beat
                  Zelda WW
                  monkey ball
                  metroid prime 2
                  smash bros melee
                  chibi robo
                  Re 4
                  paper mario
                  mario kart double dash


                    Originally posted by Ben_nintendo
                    chibi robo
                    mario kart double dash
                    How can something be a classic when its not out yet and you haven't played it yet? MK: DD will NEVER be a modern classic as it has so many flaws its untrue read the IGN review it pretty much sums it up for me.


                      what titles (if any) may become collectable or at least more sought after.
                      It's hard to say really, but history tells us that shooting games always stand a chance since they age more gracefully and remain sought-after despite newer games/consoles. Check out the pricey/hard to find stuff on other consoles, and it's mostly shooters, arcade-style games, or weird/unique stuff.

                      Dodonpachi Dai-Ou-Jou is already quite pricey and becoming harder to find new/sealed. I'd say this has a chance of emulating it's Saturn/PS cousins and becoming a "retro" classic. EspGaluda is also becoming harder to find and might follow suit.

                      Special Capture/Sound Box versions of Psyvariar are also quite hard to find and already command decent money.

                      Final Fantasy X International (Japan version with additional DVD) can still be found new/sealed with relative ease, but at a price. Which will possibly increase even further once store copies are out of circulation.

                      More obscure stuff like the Shareholder's versions of MGS2 & 3 and the Special Disc from the MGS Twin Snakes Bundle are bound to be sought-after for years too as there's a legion of Metal Gear collectors out there.

                      Most Gamecube games can be found easily, even brand new, but not the Club Nintendo Zelda Collection. I can see that becoming one of the holy grails for GC collectors.

                      Gradius Generation (JPN GBA) - I found it almost impossible to find a couple of years ago.

                      Highly-rated Japanese-only games that were released in small-ish numbers and didn't get a "Best" re-release will also do quite well I think.


                        Viewtiful joe is already a classic in my eyes


                          i think vice city will be considered a classic even though i'm not a fan, i think it will achieve that status

                          i'd like to think that prince of persia sands of time becomes a classic along with metal gear solid 2 and 3


                            xbox - halo 2, outrun 2.

                            gamecube - ikaruga, resident evil 4, burnout 1, viewtiful joe

                            ps2 - gradius v, katamari damacy, frequency/amplitude, gitaroo-man, ico, grand theft auto 3

                            edit : some wont be collectable but are classics that cant be left out!
                            Last edited by butchcvc; 12-06-2005, 16:09.


                              Metal Gear Solid 3
                              Beyond good and evil
                              Prince of persia sands of time
                              Metroid Prime
                              Viewtiful joe

