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Final Fantasy X - I'll give it a go...

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    Originally posted by ?pint
    Why oh why do you consider FF8 not up to scratch? Agreed, FF7 was better, but 8 was better than 9 in my opinion. I really liked the game, I'm not sure why, but I just did. I think that 10 is the worst of the four, though still an excellent game.
    Too many things in 8 seemed to be conspiring to make me hate the game.

    There was the fact that random battles were far too frequent, much more so than any other FF title, meant that they did become annoying. Also, the entire process of drawing magic from enemies meant the battles became more long-winded than they needed to be, especially if you wanted to decent stock of magic. Also, many of the regular fights later in the game felt like mini boss battles and took a touch too long. All in all, battling was a chore (no other FF title has made me feel this way).

    Secondly, the junctioning system was much too complicated than is necessary, yet despite it's complexity didn't offer a great degree of flexibility which you may expect. FF7's materia system is much simpler, yet also offers grerater degree of freedom to experiment and find new combinations.

    Lack of exploration opportunities also bugged me. The world map was massive but there were very few areas that were open for exploration that were only there for bonuses. The only reward for exploration was hidden draw points which got repetitive very quickly. Also, in the main game areas there were no hidden/alternate paths that led to secret treasure chests. In other games (again FF7 especially) there are other routes that don't need to be explored to finish the game, but often contain another treasure chest to open. I found it incredibly rewarding to battle my way down an alternative path then to be rewarded with a new accessory, new sword for Cloud or new piece of materia

    Conversely, every FF game since 7 has annoyed me in some respect, it's just that FF8 did so many things wrong, when compared to its superlative predecessor.


      Also in FF7 (this is lacking in all FF games since)

      EVERY character had a HUGE back story and you get to play through and find out what their deal is. It connects you to the characters so much better than having 1 central quest. There was no reason to include Barret's back story about him and Dyne and the bit when it goes into Cloud and Tifa's past is just shockingly good! Even Red 13/Nanaki has a wicked back story - Cosmo Canyon is one of the best locations in any RPG ^^ - Everything in FF7 is so deep and feels so complete, FF8 was so poor by comparison as is 9 and 10.

      The only Final Fantasy game I can rate alongside FF7 is Final Fantasy Tactics - now THATS a game!!!


        Originally posted by Saurian
        FF8 was so poor by comparison as is 9 and 10.
        That statement probably sums it up better than anything else.

        Viewed in isolation all Final Fantasy games stellar examples of the RPG genre. It's just that FF7 raised the bar so much that, when viewed in direct comparison, the other games don't come off to favourably.


          Maybe I should try 7 again...

          It's all too much. I'm off to have a sandwich.


            I cant handle this

            I just bought another PSone (PS2>PS1 graphic drivers have been changed on the V7 machines *resolution is poor*)

            I have no idea how I'm going to make time to do it but I'm gonna go back through 7 - all this talk about it brought back the wickedest memories ^^

            You know when Aeris dies and Cloud has to fight Jenova - the choice of music there sets the scene perfectly. He (Cloud) must be feeling PROPER rage at himself not only for failing to protect her, the fact HE tried to kill her too must be messing with his head. Then you have this sick, Pure rage battle going on - Bahamut summons and everything yet the music is really sad - it adds so much to the scene. Mix of rage and sadness - Thought that bit was wicked! ^^


              ***Spoilers a-plenty***

              One of my fave parts of FFVII is the opening section when you're just beginning to think the whole game is going to take place in Midgar city, and then all of a sudden you're flung out into an entire world.

              It's not as big as I'm making out, but the illusion of scale and distance was brilliant.

              And how the ball is always kept rolling with regards to pace. No sooner are you out of Midgar, but then in a small mining town with Cloud revealing snippets of his compelling past.

              I also like how the game seperates your group into teams. There was always the illusion that although Cloud, Tifa and Red were my characters, the others were doing their own thing too. And then when you meet up at certain stages, well it's like a reunion of sorts.

              Which kind of conflicts with the reunion theme driving all of Sephiroth's clones to the crater. Whereas his clones have to abandon their personalities and forget who they are to become him, Cloud and co actually do the opposite and support each other by diving into each other's pasts and thus strengthening their intimate bond.


                The best bit about ff7 is the superb villages that are in the game, I also enjoyed you know where you help them guys fight that army and donate money to them.
                :P another found memory was the cool music and graphics where good for it's time too.
                I rembember reading cvg xmas issue 1999 i still have it i belive and on there back page there was a special feature where they rode the motor bike which clowds bike was based on. That bike was special.
                But getting back on to the subject.I would not recomend getting final fantasy 10 if you don't like 7 as it can't compare.


                  I have enjoyed them all, FF7 by far. Im currentley on FFX still at the moment 176 hours in! Boy ive done some work on that game! lol

                  But if your going to pick up FFX wait till next month its goin on the platinum range. If you head over go they also have ff7 for ?12.99!

                  Or if u want them all you can get 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 for ?120! Bargin!


                    I think you should give 7 a try again before you bother with 10.
                    For me its deffinately the best final fantasy. I'm not sure why, but the random battles didnt annoy me at all in this...but in many games it just feels like a chore to get through.
                    Once i reached the end of the game, i went back to a previous save and just travelled around trying to level up all my characters and materia...well over a hundred hours.
                    FF8 i got right to the end, and gave up, as i realised i just didnt care about the characters or what was happening.
                    9 was pretty good, havent played 10 though.
                    You might want to try Xenogears too if you've not played that either. along with ff7 its my favorite rpg.


                      Looks like I'm going to go for number 7 (again)...

                      Thanks for all the input peeps


                        About FFX: International though - the Asian version (which I have) has no Japanese-text option at all ... it's in English from the start. The (rather sparse) manual is in Chinese.

                        The Japanese version has another disc with some extra videos and stuff apparently ... if you're a completist, it might be worth the little bit extra to get that. I'll upgrade to it myself one day, I think ...


