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whats your first imported game/s?

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    Mine was Magical Hat's Flying Turbo Adventure on the Megadive. My parents took my console down to Leeds market to get the sides crudely burned off the cart slot and came back with this.

    Can't even remember if it was any good, to be honest..


      Magical Flying Hat is AWESOME! Best platformer on the Megadrive, IMO.


        Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter on Saturn, couldn't believe how arcade perfect it was.

        That game open up a whole new world in terms of gaming haven't looked back since.


          Super Play was (is?) my bible so I was always into the import snes stuff. They did a feature in Issue 2 or 3 about the border and speed issues and I always picked up the import stuff.

          I guess it was the (very) Super Castlevania IV...

          I will always remember buying a mint Secret of Mana from a guy off the local paper. Strangely enough, I bought Final Fantasy 3 off another private seller from the same local rag!


            For reasons I can't entirely fathom now, my first ever import was A Boy and His Blob - Rescue of Princess Blobette on the Gameboy. It'd had a really good import review in some magazine or other, so I ordered it by mail order (with a postal order, as you did back then), waited a couple of weeks for it to arrive, turned it on, finished it on my first go and never played it again.


              Ferrari F355 on the Dreamcast.

              It was in the last game my indie had and it was in the demo pod, I had to negeoiate a sale and added ?2 on top! The Dreamcast is my favourite console and introduced me to importing. I'm still a PAL gamer at heart though!


                Shenmue (Japanese) for the Dreamcast in early 2000 shortly after it had been released in Japan.

                An amazing experience.


                  I think it was Arrow Flash for the Megadrive (I seem to remember sawing off the sides so it would clunk into a dodgey slot converter thingy).

                  I am as technical now as I was back then


                    My first import was a Japanese Megadrive with a US copy of Super Monaco GP, Christmas 1990, I think.

                    Been importing regularly since then.


                      mine was double dragon 4 on the snes


                        Quackshot on the sega genesis was mine. then samurai showdown on the snes, then i paid serious money (in those days) for resident evil 2 on the psx which made me learn i needed a scart cable to play it in colour :P


                          The first game I ever imported was Animal Crossing on the GC (with Freeloader disc) after getting fed up of waiting for it to be released over here.

