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Medal of Honor European Assault - US Version cut??

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    Medal of Honor European Assault - US Version cut??

    Hi everybody!

    I have a question to people who have the US-Version of MoH European Assault. I have seen a screenshot on IGN with the title menu, there was clearly a real Nazi symbol on the map of Europe and in the first level on the gas tank is another symbol too. I already got used to the german versions of such games being cut, so I decided to buy the UK Version of the game, but I was shocked when I saw the game today. Everything was cut out!! I want to know how the US version is. Is it cut? I hate to play cutted versions of a game, in the case of a WW2 shooter it is even more annoying because it takes away a lot of atmosphere. I don?t complain if they don?t use such symbols at all like in "Brothers in Arms", but I hate it to see censored symbols that have never been used in the war. Before I buy the US Version I want to know what awaits me, I don?t want to be disappointed again.

    Thanks for your answers!


    Moved to general gaming from FP, please read the First play guidelines before posting.


      of course, if there will be any censorship at all it will most likely apply to the german version because of the NAZI symbols. but why should the US version be censored? i can't think of any censored WW2 game in the US. you can also go for the UK or, if you prefer the german language, the Austrian PAL version of the game!


        he DID buy the UK version, and that also appears to be censored. So he was asking if the US version was the same.


          Well EA dont have a backbone so there not likely to be brave are they

          If it's the UK version then it's probally the same version accross all europe. If so it's probally been cut to not offend anyone even though it's a war game so it's going to be offensive to someone.

