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New VIP goodies

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    New VIP goodies

    jus thought Id say quicky Nintendo have updated the Stars Catalogue

    Donkey Konga 1 + bongos - 4500 stars
    Donkey Konga 2 + bongos - 4500 stars
    Kingdom Hearts GBA SP pack - 10000 stars

    Jus picked myself Konga 2 up

    There were only like 60 of Konga 2 left mind 90 of Konga 1, these won't be on for long.

    Finally! A use for my 5,105 stars... 1 Donkey Konga 2 Pak ordered...


      Thanks for posting, went for a Konga 2 pack as well.


        Originally posted by Duk
        Thanks for posting
        Thanks from me as well, would have totally missed this otherwise


          fuk i need like 500 more points

          oh well, i cant argue seeing as i nabbed a zelda collectors edition from it


            Yes, thank you so much! Donkey Konga 2 set for me... I would never have seen this otherwise.

            After months and YEARS of gathering stars with nothing to spend them on, I've FINALLY got something from the STARS catalogue


              Only just noticed this and all of the Konga 2 packs have gone ft:

              I've already got two sets of bongos but wouldn't have minded another with Konga 2. Oh well maybe I will get to use my stars on something useful one day ...


                Originally posted by RLench
                Yes, thank you so much! Donkey Konga 2 set for me... I would never have seen this otherwise.

                After months and YEARS of gathering stars with nothing to spend them on, I've FINALLY got something from the STARS catalogue
                heh I'm really regretting pickin up them posters and the stylus they gave away the other week now :P I cudda had the GBA SP hehe. Ah well, I don't have Konga 2 so that'll be a welcome addition as it was already pencilled in as a future purchase.


                  Managed to grab that GBA SP Pak, i dont want a GBA SP, i dont like Kingdom hearts... but those words Limited and Edition were calling me...


                    for fooks sake ive been checking this everyday as i have over 10000 stars and what happens they update it late afternoon an i miss it again ARGGGGGGHHHH


                      Originally posted by Smegaman
                      heh I'm really regretting pickin up them posters and the stylus they gave away the other week now :P I cudda had the GBA SP hehe. Ah well, I don't have Konga 2 so that'll be a welcome addition as it was already pencilled in as a future purchase.
                      If I'd bothered logging in every couple of days I would have had enough for the GBA Never mind...a free copy of Donkey Konga 2 isn't something to turn my nose up at


                        Originally posted by RLench

                        After months and YEARS of gathering stars with nothing to spend them on, I've FINALLY got something from the STARS catalogue
                        Now you've just got to wait for it to arrive Took my pac pix stylus 3 bloody weeks to arrive at my house !!!!!!!

                        I mean I ordered some stuff from play-asia which arrived quicker than that and that's on the other side of the world. Still at least it was free.


                          Once every blue moon it happens....

                          7000 Wii SNES Pad

                          4000 Mario Hat

                          4000 Golden Wii Wheel


                            WANT SNES CONTROLLER. Only got 2250 stars though


                              You would have to of got 28 official nintendo Wii games for a snes pad.

