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Any games that have made you physically ILL

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    Any games that have made you physically ILL

    out of the games i have played in my life there has only been three that made me feel sick
    jumping flash for the psone (probably because i suffer from vertigo)
    metroid prime
    katamari damacy (think i get motion sickness of that)

    anyone else had problems with these games?

    (rise of the robots made me feel sick but for different reasons)

    Yes, particularly noticable on Medal of Honour: Frontline and Metroid Prime. Had to lie down on a couple of occasions before the nausea went away.


      luckily i dont suffer from any type of sickness, apart from when i'm on the road playing.

      Me and my mate were well up for an advance wars session on our coach to france, we were gutted and had to watch MIB 2 instead!!!!!

      edit: sorry, the virtual boy gave my a headache after 5 minutes
      Last edited by Dezm0nd; 30-06-2005, 06:52.


        when a saw fifa street top of the charts, and i'm sure to do the same when i see the forthcoming crazy frog game in action


          I can't play Outrun (Saturn version, never played any others) for more than a few minutes without feeling queasy


            Dark Forces on the PC. Pure motion sickness hell. I was never 'phyiscally' ill but I came damn close (had to have a lie down until the cold sweats passed and the colour came back to my face).


              The final boss on Panzer Dragoon Saga, gave me the fear some years ago, due to my having smoked too much puff, I had to go and sit by myself in the bathroom so I could collect myself.


                Perfect Dark & Timesplitters give me motion sickness. I can only play them for about 10 mins before having to stop.


                  the original silent hill made me a nervous wreck


                    playing f-zero gx for a couple of hours without a break gives me motion sickness ... that's the only game.

                    but nothing can beat Virtual Boy games of course...
                    playing an hour without a break gives me of the weirdest experiences I've ever had = like eating a


                      Originally posted by Koizumi
                      playing f-zero gx for a couple of hours without a break gives me motion sickness ... that's the only game.

                      but nothing can beat Virtual Boy games of course...
                      playing an hour without a break gives me of the weirdest experiences I've ever had = like eating a

                      Yeah it is a bit like an acid trip, and also a bit like coming out of a cinema after long bouts of gaming on it too, my vision used to go all green as well after gaming on it for hours...madness.

                      Ps you can't get that strange peice of paper can you???


                        Pretty much any racing game of the last few years, so that means PGR2, Sega Rally 2 on the dc, Fzero gx on the cube you name it after 20 minutes or so the first signs are there and I have to stop. The worst for me though was pretty much anything on the Nintendo DS. I couldn't last more than 10-15 minutes on that without having the twitching eye and the rolling stomach syndrome. The worst culprit for me was Yoshi. Just five minutes of watching (yes watching not even playing) that on someones ds at work was enough to give me the first warning signs of a headache.


                          I always take a break from the screen at least once an hour; even if just for a couple of minutes, cos if I don't then I feel nauseous regardless of what I play...

                          However, much to my displeasure I cannae play the much vaunted Katamari for 5 minutes without feeling like I'ma gonna throw up


                            When I played Resi 4 for 8 hours straight I got a migraine and felt sick.
                            Probs coz I didn't take any breaks or nuthing


                              thats insane that all u guys get motion sickness and stuff. i know the japs get it a lot so they dont play FPS' but its still madness.

                              the only visual thing thats made me feel a bit odd was 3d stuff at the imax.

