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When will the PSP see some decent new releases?

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    When will the PSP see some decent new releases?

    I bought RR, Wipeout, Lumines and Spiderman 2, (yes, it is crap), but since then there's been nothing. What is coming to PSP over 2005 that I should be excited about!?

    This threads reasonably similar - - Im happy with the three games I have at the moment, Ive near-completed Ridge and last ages on Lumines, and am about to start Wipeout. The advantage of having a slow release schedule is that it actually makes you play the games you already own, at least it does in my case anyways.



      I'm actually having to put time into the games I own and getting my moneys worth out of them (for a change)


        Looking at what was on show at E3 now for a good while yet.

        On the plus side Infected looks good.


          I have GT on preorder at VG+, and have been tempted by Mercury although I expect that would be too frustrating. Whats Infected - sounds like a Biohazard game (hopes!)?


            Infected video in this thread



              I gave up and sold mine; and I've never sold a machine before (bar my GBA when I moved to DS) :/


                The only game that looks any good to me in the forseeable future is Death Jr.

                All the rest of the game's look absolute ****e and that is putting it politely.Where are the great Capcom and Konami game's that we were promised, Capcom seem's to be avoiding the format like the plague, only releasing remake's of Ps1 title's in the near future.They have not even made any enhancement's to the two Rockamn dash title's.
                Granted that Vampire Chronicle's : The Chaos Tower is a great title , but that does not get away from the fact that the game is basically a remake of older games.Konami too, only releasing stuff like metal gear Acid on the format show's that they are not willing to spend any serious money on a true metal gear Solid title for the format as the development cost's would be too high and therefore too risky.

                Sony must really step up here and show that they are willing to get behind the format in a serious manner and release some very, very high quality first party software(minna no Golf was great...but that was launch) in this time of trouble for the format.Releasing an updated version of Ape Escape is the not the answer imo, they really need to release new software for the machine and prove to developer's that PSP sofware cab shift in million's.

                I think that this is the major problem for the PSP, the developer's are simply not convinced that making an original title is worth the financial risk at the moment.Especially when they have the nexy gen machine's on their mind as well, this is why the Ds seems all the more attractive at the moment.


                  Originally posted by Mofoman
                  I think that this is the major problem for the PSP, the developer's are simply not convinced that making an original title is worth the financial risk at the moment.Especially when they have the nexy gen machine's on their mind as well, this is why the Ds seems all the more attractive at the moment.
                  You've hit it partially on the head there.
                  Developers aren't willing to take the risk because developing for the psp is so costly compared to other handhelds and the psp's market share simply can't justify that those sort of financial risks.
                  Last edited by gizmo1990; 05-07-2005, 20:55.


                    I'm waiting for some more good multiplayer games to take advantage of the wireless networking too, as well as the single-player.

                    It's all about Bomberman and Mario Kart 4-player on GBA with friends, that was just TOO fun!!! My bro loved Advance Wars (1 and 2) too, but I never got into that really

                    Rehan (Dead Man Inc.)


                      I only have 2 games on order for PSP which is Madden NFL 2006 and Virtua Tennis

                      I think overall the line up had been disappointing apart from the cream (RR, WP, and Luminies, HSG).

