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Crystal balls

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    Crystal balls

    Your predictions,serious or otherwise on anything game related.

    I Predict:

    Next week's Japanese Sales thread will discuss nothing other than the relative numbers of DSs and PSPs

    Americans will whinge about the colour of the XBox 360 until they get a boring black one.

    Sony will charge ?10 more for the silver PS3 than the black, just like they are currently doing with the PS2. This won't stop it selling like hot cakes.

    Sony won't release that shiny white one over here.

    There will be a 'limited edition' PSP with a different colour. It will look arse. It will sell anyway, because it's R@R3.

    Wanda & The Colossus will get great reviews. It will sell about 100 copies in the whole of the UK. These will then be worth about ?40+ on eBay after a year or two.


      Thats funny because its true!


        The PS3 will sell bucket year after its release the figure will have expanded exponentially what with people having to buy replacements due to their 1st machines developing a fault of some a result the PS3 will outsell its rivals by at least a ratio of 2:1

        Sounds familiar?


          on a similar wanda and colossus theme:

          wanda and colossus will be released and everyone on here will literally explode with semen that they have been bottling up for such event

          they will fail to mention that it controls likes a fat man in a brothel and just isn't as great as everyone's boners are making it out to be

          also, sega will announce the katana console, halo 3's single player will again be as dull as hell, world of warcraft 2 will allow you to have your own house, starcraft 2 will put its cock in the mouth of every other strat game, the xbox 360 will have nothing but dull games at launch but every fanboy will rave about perfect dark and finally, burnout legends will make me devote my life to my psp.


            PGR3 will run at 30FPS
            (cheap I know)


              That PS3 Killzone video is actually what the game will look like


                We will all buy 2 out of the 3 next gen consoles and talk down the thrid one as having 'not enough musthaves'

                After they are all available there will be a spate of rose tinted posts about Z:WW and Halo2, Tekken4.

                Then someone with all the consoles going will post about being bored with gaming selling his/her whole collection then, slowly buying all Treasures output as it is the only gaming thet satisfys.

                We will drool over shaky camera phone footage of Halo3, Knights RevolutiON etc,

                Hopefully we will all meet on LIVE and be able to exclude all the potty mouthed l33t yank gamers from our games.

