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As graphics get more real...

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    As graphics get more real...

    Do you think that the issue of (sorry to use a Daily Mail term) videogames being 'evil' will actually have some more grounds as the next generation of games approaches?

    Up till now I expect most people can clearly differentiate between reality and make-believe in their videogames because they do still look just like games. As devs strive for more and more realism, it suggests to me that the level of authentic-looking violence in gaming is about to reach new heights.

    The level of what is and isnt real is pretty obvious to most people Im sure, and after all weve all been brought up on movies and TV, but the added level of actually being able to interact and effect what you are seeing is sure to raise a lot more eyebrows and draw perhaps unwanted attention to the industry as graphics move to the next generation.

    Its too soon to give an example like this as its a long way off yet, but was GTA SA to have ultra-realistic graphics, where people REALLY looked like real people and perhaps moved and behaved like also, is something like this to be of concern over or not?

    No, because you'd still know it was a game, and I'm sure most people can distinguish between fantasy and reality, even if the fantasy is graphically, very life-like. Only when it gets to the point where you don't know that it's a game would I be concerned (Better Than Life).

    I'm sure the same old stories will be dragged out for the next-gen though, as that sort of sensationlism sells papers.
    Last edited by MartyG; 15-07-2005, 14:20.


      Certainly, the cartoonish simplicity of GTA peds gives the action a comedic distance that full-on realism would destroy.

      Ultimately, I suppose the best place to look for an answer is (once again) Hollywood. Is the violence in the new Dawn Of The Dead 'worse' than the original because the effects are better?

      But then, no-one seems particularly bothered by rooting for Arnie as he 'shoots' actual genuine actors and not hand-drawn cartoons. The 'realism' of what people look like and the 'realism' of what happens when someone on-screen gets shot are two very different things.


        Only when Holo-Decks/VR appear will the issue arise. As long as we are looking at a 2D image without true enviromental immersion- no one can claim games are like true reality.

        When people can enter a virtual world with taste smell and every other sense provoked by the sense of reality- I think there will have to be major restraints on what people can do.

        I can envisage those that choose to be violent and do appaling things in these virtual worlds will be seen as criminals/deviants and duely delt with.

        In the far future people will laugh at the games we play today and in the near future as childs play!


          Originally posted by mid
          But then, no-one seems particularly bothered by rooting for Arnie as he 'shoots' actual genuine actors and not hand-drawn cartoons..
          Arnie kills baddies though (save one or two films). Nobody minds baddies being blown to bits, because they 'deserve' it.


            hmm thing in duckman made me laugh

            "do you realise 1hr after the terminator was aired there was 50 murders in new york"
            "what about 1hr before?"
            "50 but thats not the point"


              I think graphics are secondary in this dispute. As has been mentioned, there are movies out there with much worse in. Obviously parents tend to more vigilant with movies, but hopefully that'll change in time.

              My main concern is how POINTLESSLY EASY it is becoming in some "games" to pull off some pretty nasty ****.

              First instance I can recall of serious blood-n-guts in games was Mortal Kombat. A fairly average game, only elevated above the rest by gory gimmicks, but at least the Fatality moves in that game needed (a) some dedication to learn, and (b) skill to perform.

              It worries me that we're not far away from "press X to castrate victim with rusty knife", or "hold O to push screwdriver through eye of prostitute". Visceral low-brow thrills for almost no effort. Pseudo-interactive slasher movies squarely aimed at lazy useless kids.

              I'm not a prude ... but I do love games.


                Originally posted by peeveen
                It worries me that we're not far away from "press X to castrate victim with rusty knife", or "hold O to push screwdriver through eye of prostitute". Visceral low-brow thrills for almost no effort. Pseudo-interactive slasher movies squarely aimed at lazy useless kids.
                That's called Manhunt


                  It's far more a case of proper regulation. I am 100% against censorship, but just slapping an M on the front of a box and keeping it on a high rack in a shop is always going to bring up these debates and worries about what kids are up to. You know, because HEAVEN FORBID a parent take their spawn snowboarding or mountain biking or something.

                  It certainly doesn't help when certain companies (Rockstar) leave certain elements of code which would give a game an Adults rating otherwise (Hot Coffee) in a Mature rated game.

                  Yes, this post is American faced but we do at least have the BBFC to give LEGALLY BINDING ratings which is half of the battle won. Main thing is to educate parents on these things. I know there's peer pressure with teenagers to own the Next Big Thing, but it's only fun and games until someone gets murdered and a media outlet accuses a game of being a learning simulator for school terrorism or something.

                  I don't think enhanced visuals will change anything; the Daily Mail and The Sun have already mentioned today's titles are "ultra realistic".


                    As games get more real........They'll get more boring and too realistic. Thus killing any temptation I have to play on any video game.
                    Yeah, as games look more realistic and violent, they'll attract by far the most media attention we've most likely seen. What people seem to forget is that there was violence before games and also before movies and music.
                    Last edited by El Leone; 16-07-2005, 10:14.

