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Halo suxXxors TBH

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    Halo suxXxors TBH

    Space, this one is for you. For all those who don't like Halo, here is somewhere you can share your feelings on it. Mr. Cowboy said that I'm too much a Polly Anna as far as the Xbox and Halo is concerned, that I never say anything bad. And, in response, I said I'd make a thread stating that no, Halo ain't the best thing since boobs. I'm a man who keeps his word.

    SO, discuss. I'm all about both sides of an issue.

    Aint as much fun as doing it in other threads

    Ah well halo is ****.

    Pads are ****.

    Xbox is ****e

    Jrm is ****e cos he didnt say what i asked ;p


      I did so. You said I think Halo is perfect. I told you that I did not. You asked me to make a thread saying so. I have. No, Halo ain't perfect. My review states the problems I had with it.

      What more can I do?


        Separating discussions is stupid.
        Expected you'd do this JR
        Single topic
        Person 1: I like halo, it is great
        Person 2: I do not
        Person 1: Oh, why not?
        Person 2 :*reasons*
        Person 1: I see

        Two Topics
        -Halo is great-
        Person 1: I love halo
        Person 2: Yes, me too
        Person 3: I agree
        Person 1: great!

        -Halo sucks-
        Person 1: I don't like Halo
        Person 2: Neither do I
        Person 3: yeah it's crap

        DO YOU SEE THE FLAW HERE!? There is no discussion when viewpoints are separated! THIS IS A ****ING DISCUSSION FORUM. STOP BEING A CHILD JRM!


          At the risk of being obvious, four posts in, there's clearly no way this thread is going to go anywhere productive: close and delete, asap.


            poor show jrm


              Originally posted by Firsty
              DO YOU SEE THE FLAW HERE!? There is no discussion when viewpoints are separated! THIS IS A ****ING DISCUSSION FORUM. STOP BEING A CHILD JRM!
              One thing: Space asked me to make this. It was his request that I do so. I was upset that we seemed to be at odds, and I asked him what I could do to show that I don't want people to stop debating things. He said to make this. So I did, because I'm a nice guy.


                And you did it....that's the problem.


                  It's no-one's fault. It's just a train wreck. Close this now...


                    Originally posted by GrimBlade
                    At the risk of being obvious, four posts in, there's clearly no way this thread is going to go anywhere productive: close and delete, asap.

