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Underrated Games

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    Underrated Games

    Mr Obvious? Moi?

    I couldn't find a thread on underrated games apart from the one in the Retro forum. I thought it was time for some much needed positivity (man).

    Grabbed by the Ghoulies

    This game was absolutely slated by nearly everyone, but I think it's charming. The presentation of the game is wonderful and it has that Rare 'feel' to it that I love. I think rare have come in for some unfair stick because not everyone enjoys their collectathons, but this avoided those trappings.

    Okay, I accept its very repetitive and completely lacking in depth, but those small matters aside it's funny, gorgeous, original and a lot of fun to play in small doses. Sometimes that's all you need.

    Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

    I think some people got a little too hung up on the change of style. I accept the heavy rock soundtrack and gritty look of the Prince are cliche overload, but the rest of this game is smart. The best thing about the first title was not the Prince or his relationship with that bird or even the Arabian setting (although all three were great) but the wonderful platform sections and that meat and potatos of SOT is still in WW, only better.

    And it's a beautiful game. Get past the ship and the early sections and the game opens up to some amazing level design that equal the first game easily. The hanging gardens are achingly beautiful. One of my favourite games from last year.


    Aside from the stark look, I remember thinking this looked pretty generic. Then I saw a clip of Vanessa pirouetting like a psychotic pan person and I was sold. A rival for Alucard and Double-H for coolest character ever.

    Agreed I enjoyed GBTG until I got stuck being chased around the basement by the fat ugly bird - (I think Rare throw in these horrid bits where the difficults spikes and the camera fights against you see Conker and DK64 to make the game last longer) Liked the comic stylings though.

    I think JSRF was underrated by most, cool game with fantastic levels second xbox purchase for me.


      Equinox (Snes) - Not much was made of this game when it came out, but it was (and still is) an excellent platform/strategy title. Oh, and the music's majestic.

      Ridge Racer V (PS2) - One of the release games for the platform, and got took apart by the gaming press, it should've this, it should've been that. But overall, an excellent racing game with **** kicking music. I still play it now.

      Oni (PS2) - One of the hardest games i've ever played and ignored by the masses (hell you can by this game for a ?5), but some
      patience and practice really does pay off. Excellent.

      Jak & Daxter (PS2) - One of the finest platform titles on the PS2, and in my opinion better than Super Mario Sunshine.


        IMO Doshin the Giant. But then I might have been wearing "launch title/one of my first japanese import games" tinted specs.


          Metal Arms: Glitch in the System Conker reminded me that I still haven't finished this great little game. (probably all the swearing).


            JSRF for me too - One of those titles that was more of an audio/visual experience than anything else. Loved it to bits. Should've been bigger and spawned a further one.

            Shenmue 1 & 2 - I know they're love/hate games but honestly, what's to hate ? marvellous.
            Last edited by Yoshimax; 26-07-2005, 06:14. Reason: Tidying


              Not the most expansive list, but then, I can't be bothered to drag through my currently hazy memory for a collection.


              Manhunt. One of the best games of this generation, in my view. Delivers some of the most tense, gripping and atmospheric forms of stealth, action and adventure that each genre has seen, and combines them all within a package that importantly makes you think. In terms of the chapter/video format, genre play and themes, personally I see a few shared similarities between this and Killer7, albeit in different styles.

              Halo 2 (single player). Played through this again recently on Heroic and absolutely loved it. The experience isn't as consistent or as cohesive as the original, but I think there are a number of standout moments littered all over. The music, general ambience and mood

              (especially on the second ring)

              really helped me to get into the frame of mind to appreciate it. Halo 2 offers alternatives in single player to Halo, and shouldn't necessarily have to live in the latter's shadow for approaching its own progression differently.

              Darwinia. Not really a game that was critically underrated (though hardly overrated either), it's been pretty much forgotten since release earlier this year. Again, it's not the most taxing of games, but it's retro-esque late night atmosphere can't be beaten. It's a lovely game to relax to.


                i,ve said it again and again but the Socom series is one of my fave shooters on the ps2 and totally underrated on-line, having a good group of people to play with really lifts this game above your average shooter and it offers quite a different way of playing compared to a lot of the shooters out there at the moment.

                Getting killed in this game really dose matter its not just a case of having to respawn (when your dead your dead) and you have to watch the round played out from the side lines, but if your that player that takes down the last enemy it really is a great feeling knowing that you held your nerve survived and won the round for your team.

                Teamwork really helps too if you have an organised side your going to beat the run and gun players every time, there really is! nothing like a good plan coming together

                By today's standard of shooters though it is looking quite dated now, but even battlefield 2 which I'm playing to death at the moment hasn't captured that tense atmosphere that Socom created in the early days, roll on Socom 3.


                  Have to second Metal Arms: GITS - top game.



                    XIII, it got high in Gamesmaster, but nobody seemed to buy it... it was a great game my fav. FPS. too bad people are only interested in realistic graphics. It was great to play with.


                      I really enjoyed XIII, who couldn't love a game with Adam West in it.

