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New MGS3: Subsistence Trailer

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    New MGS3: Subsistence Trailer

    Without spoiling too much, it shows off some of the new online modes and the maps that they are played in. I, for one, cannot possibly wait for this!

    Cool. Things had been a bit quiet about this.


      WTF!?! Such a crazy trailer. A lot of fan service as usual from Konami. Nice trailer but don't know if the online play will actually work out.


        The tactical possibilities are already limitless in MGS3, so I think the online stuff will really come down to who can handle their Snake the best. I recently watched a European Extreme/FoxHound runthrough and some of the stuff the guy pulls off in that is sickening. It's nearly up there with some of Dant0r's heroics.

        /me dies...

        at the bit in the trailer where the Ocelot troops are leaping across rooftops


          Originally posted by Izayoi
          I recently watched a European Extreme/FoxHound runthrough and some of the stuff the guy pulls off in that is sickening. It's nearly up there with some of Dant0r's heroics.
          Do you have a link to that at all?


            So were all those troops commanded by one "commander" such as Ocelot, Snake and "Raiden"?

            So in effect, being 3 players online, but having 6 troops to command? At one point it seemed as if all the troops were individual players cos of the names, but hey...who knows. Looks like fun nontheless, gonna need to get a BBA for the PS2 now though.


              Meh, I think I'll give it a miss. I already have MGS3, and can wait for MGS4 which will have a better online mode (from what Kojima said, they're really releasing subsistence to gather feedback on both the new camera and online mode so they can change/make it better for the fourth game). Besides, I won't be going online with my ps2 anyway so its all good.


                When is the game due out in USA as I don't have MGS 3


                  Q1 Next year


                    Originally posted by Adam
                    Do you have a link to that at all?

                    There are quite a few.

                    The most impressive one is the MGS2 extreme/BigBoss runthrough, but it's a chew on downloading them separately. The one I saw was the Adnan Kauser one.

                    The way he dispatches the Ocelot Unit is pure magic, he nails 'em all without kills or alerts in under a minute!

                    Originally posted by jassi singh
                    So were all those troops commanded by one "commander" such as Ocelot, Snake and "Raiden"?
                    Not exactly. In a recent press release, it says that the top ranked player in a team gets to play as characters from the main MGS story. I assume this means it makes the top ranked player the team leader. Will be interesting to see if picking one set of troops over the other makes much of a difference, as everyone seems to be able CQC everyone (however, in the trailer it seems the normal troops don't have the nastiness of Snake's CQC takedowns).

                    BAGGSIES SNAKE tbh!
                    Last edited by Izayoi; 20-08-2005, 15:55.


                      Originally posted by Light
                      Q1 Next year
                      I'd been holding off getting MGS3 after the Subsistence announcement, not sure I can wait that long though It will it will definitely be worth a purchase though, even if I do buy it before then.

                      I've got the feeling the online mode could turn out to be something special, especially with the emphasis on stealth and evasion.


                        Looks amazing, I cannot wait to play this online, and in ENGLish!!! I only had the Jap version of the game for my PS2 and was hoping they would do an integral/substance version of the game, I just had no idea that they would addd so many extras to the game this time, especially the online mode.

                        I wonder if the game works with the BB unit in Japan, it would be nice to have another game using the hard drive.

