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[31/08/05] - Summertime indifference

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    [31/08/05] - Summertime indifference

    If I were ten years younger I'd probably say 'meh'.

    But I'm not and I abhor that expression.

    All things considered though this summer has been pretty poo for games, only WE9 has been worth my time really. BF2 whiled away some time and I still enjoy it to a degree, but I've found myself turning back the clock to get some enjoyment as of late. The DC has been dug out and I'm giving Shenmue the once-over again, Grim Fandango got re-installed (but XP really doesn't like the ingame video) and I played a few other things.

    The stand-out in the last couple of weeks for me though has been Quake 3. It devoured a good part of my adult life already, and the recent Q4 multiplayer videos from QuakeCon have whetted my appetite once again. So I found a couple of old clanmates and started playing OSP Clan Arena again (due to the fact a lot more people play it than the original Rocket Arena 3 now), and I'm once again in love with the gameplay. It's just so tight, and you can always learn new things and get better.

    Bring on Q4 I say, realism based FPSs are good for a while, but Rail and Rockets is where it's at