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[01/09/05] Smashy Smashy!

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    [01/09/05] Smashy Smashy!

    Thank Rockstar for GTA (something I'm sure Jack Thompson says on a regular basis) for without it we might never have been given The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.

    Who ever thought that smashing stuff up could be so much unadulterated fun!? Having received the US Xbox version of this on the weekend, I wasn't expecting too much but I've been having trouble putting it down (it's even managing to drag me away from the sublime Killer 7 for the time being)

    It's free roaming, car smashing, robot busting, streetlight mangling, building destroying, tank hurling fun of the highest order.

    Also it's one of the few Xbox games that supports 720p so it looks pretty blood good when everything's kicking off.

    Expect an NTSC-uk review in the future but in the meantime check out this thread on the First Play folder on the forums for other people's impressions.

    Jesus Christ Spatial101, there should be some kind of warning before dropping that picture on us. Damn.


      your not wrong there! that put me off me food quicksmart!



        Im with you on this one, Ive spent an hour messing about in the training area (which typically is something id skip) and its an absolute blast! A real surprise so far as its not the sort of game Id usually like, but the surprising amount of abilities at your disposal gives what looks like a shallow game a level of depth. Love picking up humans and tossing them at helecopters, making 'steel fists' out of cars, wall-running, power jumping (my god, he jumps EXACTLY like Hulk does in the movie) and thats only the beginning.

