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Combos in fighting games

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    For me, fighting games aint just about combos but the "flow" of your character. When I am good at a fighter I have a flow I get into when a fight kicks off. It has a number ways it can start and multiple paths it can flow to dependent on the enemy reaction and the situation. This "flow" is the key to pwnge in all fighters and in some great single plater fighers, ala, DMC3. Good players know what is happening 3 moves in advance and this for me is the key to any fighter.

    Really its like a controling your character using a series of "IF", "THEN" statements till you reach your goal... your opponent on their arse

    Once you get the "Flow" with a character then you are a force to be reckoned with. Killer Instinct 1 and the Tekken titles have been the fighters where I have got to this level with a few characters, but I really should have done so with some other fighters. Fire that on to my to do list


      Last blade 2 is easily my fav fighting game ever.Combos are quite a big part of it but the deflect move works so well.And every character seems to be well balanced and fun to play.

      Tekken i find fun but it feels like a button bashers paradise.Virtua fighter 4 i though had a more refined combat.But then again i must say i am not a expert on tekken so obviously for the higher level players there is something i missed

      Always annoyed me the 10 hit combos because i always thought a combo was a sequence of move that once started can not be got out of seems like many 10 hit combos thats not the case


        The best Tekken players would NEVER use a 10 hit combo... leaves you far too exposed. Instead the key to the combos in tekken is mixing up the height and getting the **** in the air for a juggle. The 10 hit is a gimic that a good player would never use. 4 or 5 hits I would say are the max for it, unless you get a juggle in which case you are safe and can get as many hits in as possible.

        Suppose Tekken aint so much about the long combos. It is more for linking of smaller combos to flow through a hole fight moving from one 3/4 hit string to the next. There is some real beauty in finding the most powerful sequence and executing it... suppose that is what is all about for all fighters!!


          I wonder which fighting games a Good player has been beaten by a novice who button bashes?

          I think one person said a definition for a good fighting game combos is a balance between improvisation and memorization.Mortal kombat 3 was almost entirely memorization and burning fest asuk 120% is almost entirely improvisation
          Last edited by eastyy; 09-09-2005, 15:41.


            Originally posted by eastyy
            I wonder which fighting games a Good player has been beaten by a novice who button bashes?
            There are plenty of those... DOA a strong candidate and Tekken in some cases, depending on the good players ability. I would say the VF series is the best for exposing button mashing nonsense, but all fighters have the potential to give a button masher power if they hit the right sequence and shake the stick in the correct way bastards!!

            Its when timing becomes an issue that a button masher will be exposed. This is one of the reasons so many fround upon DMC3, cause for many aspects of it your timing has to be spot on. A real shame when people cant be bothered putting a wee bit of effort to get the most out of games.


              Originally posted by eastyy
              I wonder which fighting games a Good player has been beaten by a novice who button bashes?
              LOL. The list is endless.

              The Tekken trilogy, Samurai Shodown 1, Any Marvel/Capcom game (Wolverine & Storm are so unbelievably cheap!!), Soul Edge/Blade/Calibur.....


                Was playing kof2001 i dont know how snk manage it but how come bosses they create are always so overpowered but whats worse is they have moves and Ai designed to frustrate.





                    2000 was my fav


                      The new samurai shodown game the very small vid i saw had a cool combo i hope the rest of the game is like that.

                      All ways felt samurai shodown series was quite limited combos wise

