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Willpower and withstanding the hype machine

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    Willpower and withstanding the hype machine

    Currently I have absolutely no video gaming equipment, having recently sold everything to help pay off debts, and get ready for the release of the Xbox 360 in Nov.
    This is the first time in about 11 years that I have been without a games console and I'm finding it difficult to hold off buying something.
    I find myself looking in the for sale thread, just window shopping, and the hype surrounding the UK PSP release has been tempting me to buy one of those white psp with winning eleven ubiquitous edition bundles for a bargain price on Yes Asia's site, and don't know how much longer I can hold off from purchasing something.
    The only thing at the moment is the expection/hope that the 360 will blow my socks off when it finally reveals its full launch hand in November.
    Does anyone else have similar experience of having sold their gaming collection, and feeling some type of withdrawal?
    Last edited by baad bwoy; 06-09-2005, 23:22.

    Ive sold a hell of alot of stuff for the 360 and rite now im feeling good about it, still really looking forward to it its almost a disease how much im excited about it.


      get a Master System to tide u over :P when u see the 360 the graphics definately won't be a dissapointment that way either


        My first gaming machine was a Master System, with the first game I bought for it being Thunderblade,
        I loved playing Thunderblade on my Mastersystem, and was pretty good at it as well,
        I seem to remember getting to the 4th or 5th level on it, was indeed very tricky and a bit unfair, with enemy missiles just appearing in front of my copter....still was a great game at the time


          if you`ve held of this long just hang in there for the 360 it`ll make the experience all the better for you mate. Besides (bet this gets me flamed) games can never make you feel as good as when you get your debts sorted. And then you can go on a mighty spaffafon*

          *new word lol


            Originally posted by huxley
            Besides (bet this gets me flamed) games can never make you feel as good as when you get your debts sorted.
            Not at all- you're dead right there.


              Don't mean to be a grump, but if you're not buying/playing games right now, hanging around here is probably not the best idea.
              Or if you do, stick to Off Topic and stuff.


                With me i have no intrest in getting either a psp ds or xbox 360.

                The simple reason being there is no games that i can really say that look like must haves.


                  I'm with eastyy atm, I was originally gonna go straight out and pre order a 360, but having had a look at the initial wave of games for it, I can safely say that there isn't a single game on it that makes me want to run straight out and get one, and the ones I am interested in will mainly be on either PC or Xbox, I know not as technically sound, but it'll still be the same game so can't really justify ?280+ on.

                  Regarding the debt thing, ur better having 1 console and a handful of games debt free than you are all the consoles under the sun, I'm sure the debt erroded your enjoyment of the games and so having no worries will make gaming alot easier/more fun for you


                    Well my debts were the result of buying a car and getting it insured and stuff, and also buying some decks and a mixer, so I can't blame videogames for my financial situation, but I would like to hold off from any more purchases in the meantime, at least until Nov, hopefully some interesting 360 news might be released soon to bolster my resolve

