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GamesTM 37 scores

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    Originally posted by John Beaulieu
    I stand by the Outrun2 score, and I might even post up my original writeup sometime (just for you )
    Can't we just bump the thread posted in response from that 'worldofstu' guy instead?


      I have often found that many of the games which score highly in mags don't live up to my expectations, while I really like metroid prime on the GC, and believe the 10 which Gamestm gave that title reflected my own opinion of it, generally my own tastes in games differ from reviewers.
      I guess it is important to investigate games yourself, rather than just basing purchases on the experience and beliefs of others.

      I am glad that Gtm have decided to omit the scores from the PSP games this month, as they can end up being a distraction...just hope the reviews themselves are decent


        Uh, far be it from me to correct you, John, but didn't NTSC give Nanostray a 7

        that was our take on the game, not gamesTM's

        unless you mean that my post sounds like i am saying Nanostray got a 6 on both gTM and here, in which case I meant that both games got 6 on their respective mag/site


          As much as I really love Nanostray, from a neutral point of view, can see the reason it's getting 6's in most reviews, sure has it's glitches, along with great graphics and sound but unless your are a Score Attack addict the replay value is very low, the main Adventure mode can be played through easily in under two hours and the majority of the unlocked Challenges in Challenge Mode are "score xxx points on xxx level"

          I'll still be playing tonight though trying to improve a score or two.


            Originally posted by DavidHolliss
            As much as I really love Nanostray, from a neutral point of view, can see the reason it's getting 6's in most reviews, sure has it's glitches, along with great graphics and sound but unless your are a Score Attack addict the replay value is very low, the main Adventure mode can be played through easily in under two hours and the majority of the unlocked Challenges in Challenge Mode are "score xxx points on xxx level"

            I'll still be playing tonight though trying to improve a score or two.
            Thats why I was feeling Catch! Touch! Yoshi! for so long but friends dropped it after a couple of days, these games appeal to the scoreheads which until I got a DS I didn't even realise I was
            Last edited by spagmasterswift; 07-09-2005, 15:49.


              Originally posted by John Beaulieu
              surprisingly, not every game is covered strictly for the fans, who never see anything wrong in their 'favourite' (even when its hitting them squarely in the face)
              Indeed - if that were the case the blinding love bunny of majestic pixelness would mean 10/10 everytime.


                Originally posted by John Beaulieu

                that was our take on the game, not gamesTM's

                unless you mean that my post sounds like i am saying Nanostray got a 6 on both gTM and here, in which case I meant that both games got 6 on their respective mag/site
                It sounded like you meant NTSC-UK gave Nanostray a 6 - But , no offence intended, was just trying to have a giggle at your expense, I saw an opportunity to take the piss and I took it, and it back-fired.


                  Erm... this topic is titled "GamesTM 37 scores"...

                  Is it out already? Since the last issue to pop through my letterbox was issue 35.
                  Last edited by Sketcz; 07-09-2005, 16:32.


                    Originally posted by Szczepaniak
                    Erm... this topic is titled "GamesTM 37 scores"...

                    Is it out already? Since the last issue to pop through my letterbox was issue 35.
                    Thats because you are retro


                      What was said about Jump Super Stars?, I got it the other day and am currently finding it interesting, had to prise myself off it last night so I could get some sleep.

                      I should really subscibe to GamesTM and Edge as I always buy them the day they come out anyway lol


                        Yet another good issue this month and extra kudos for mentioning Bill Hicks and of course, the much-anticipated Giant Gram wrasslin' feature next-month. XD


                          Sub arrived. As always, an excellent issue. Particularly liked the "point and click" article, very true and very poignant. Brilliant.

                          Also, someone PM the Shape, I think his two pages were probably the funniest material I've read in weeks, from start to finish. My eyes were running I laughed so hard. Incredibly witty.

                          Nice amount of import coverage this month too.

                          Also, some may be interested to know, NTSC's very own Ashley Day (Kaladron) had a rather good article in this month's retro.


                            Yeah this is a good issue, only started reading it last night. The Shape article is probably his best yet, very funny

                            There is a lot of love for point-and-click\adventurs at the moment - I think Fahrenheit is one of the causes, and I really hope it sells by the bucket load. Cannot wait


                              Originally posted by erhgiez
                              What was said about Jump Super Stars?, I got it the other day and am currently finding it interesting, had to prise myself off it last night so I could get some sleep.

                              I should really subscibe to GamesTM and Edge as I always buy them the day they come out anyway lol
                              Yeah i am very interested to find out why Jump only got 7. For me the game is an easy 8. I can't help but feel that the review score maybe took into account the Japanese text which is a shame bacause you can find some great mission guides on the net.

                              The game has a welth of characters both playable and support as well as a long and exciting one player mode. The 1 cart multiplayer is a bit poor but the multi cart one is fantastic. Jump Superstars is one of thsoe games that you may finish in a few hours but if you want to unlock everything you have to go back and play the missions again, beat all the objectives which unlocks more missions/objectives ect.

