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What's in a name?

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    What's in a name?

    In the last two weeks I have bought several games products that, on the surface, have something in common. In order of purchase they are a Jaguar, a copy of Fahreheit and a copy of Retro Atari Classics for the DS.

    Each is linked by the Atari name and brand but can they all be considered the produce of the same entity? The Atari that made those retro classics (like Pong, Centipede and Breakout) all those years ago is a different Atari to the one that created the lacklustre Jaguar console in the nineties. Likewise, the Atari of 1994 is now dead and gone, Fahrenheit is one of many games to be published by an Atari in name only. For those who do not know, Atari has long been the brand name for French publisher Infogrames.

    As good as Fahrenheit is, I just don't see it as a genuine Atari product - probably because it ISN'T a genuine Atari product. I still feel like Atari died years ago and Infogrames are walking around in a pair of dead man's shoes. Sure, Infogrames own the rights to the Atari back catalogue and hardware license and they have recently made good use of both but when I buy a new release I don't feel like I'm buying an extension of that heritage.

    This got me thinking about other games developers/publishers. How many games have I bought because of my loyalty to the publisher? I love Sega but they sure aren't the same company they were twenty years ago, they're not even the same company they were five years ago.

    What would it take for me to accept Infogrames as the real Atari? I'm not sure. Maybe if they made their own games, or invested in the arcade market or maybe if they gave Jeff Minter a job. Maybe they'll never be the real Atari and I should just forget about it. Would I feel less cheated if Fahrenheit bore the Infogrames logo, I think I would.

    What's in a name?

    If i was a company i would never call it atari.

    when i think of atari i think of the 2600 the failure of the jaguar and the lynx and for there disregard for the programmers early on in the years bad things

    When you think of a company like activision i think of games like pitfall river raid there law suits with atari and the eventual victory good things

    Codemasters i think of there class budget titles like dizzy i still dont think of them as a massive company like they are now

    Speaking of which perhaps there could be a list of old companies and what happened to them? also if companies that still exist are they the original companies or just name only

    Like U.S Gold and ocean?
    Last edited by eastyy; 20-09-2005, 08:47.


      It's like buying a Chevrolet now tbh


        Well here is a name ION STORM.Because of daikatana and there previous game were so terrible.The other (good half) of the company who created deus ex called them selves ion storm austin


          Atari is Japanese for hit/success in case you wanted to know.


            Did not work for the jaguar


              If I had a games company, I'd call it Pissy Knickers.


                What Jag games did you get? Also, is this recent purchase part of a (never ending) quest to acquire as many retro systems as possible?


                  Hi John,

                  I've been on a quest, since I was a child, to know everything there ever was to know about games. The moment I played Fifa 95 I realised that could be quite detrimental to me.

                  Anyway, I bought the Jag, which happened to be a developers' unit after I found a boxed copy of Tempest 2000. I've always wanted to play that game so it was inevitable that I would get a Jaguar at some point. I also picked up Cybermorph and Iron Soldier but I've yet to play either.


                    Club Drive is an essential purchase - truly, a game among games.


                      No Anephric, NO!


                        Thing is... Atari were completely american were they not? Isn't there some other story behind the name?


                          I believe Nolan Bushnell named Atari after a winning move in the Japanese game Go.


                            Anyone ever read the interview with nolan bushnell about the jaguar.Contradicts himself many times


                              Do you have a link to that?

