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Bad Vibrations

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    Bad Vibrations

    Played Doom3 on XBox for quite a few hours yesterday ... good fun, and atmospheric enough to make me forget about switching off controller vibration ...

    So I wake up today, and my middle finger of my right hand is quite numb. I can move it normally, just can't really feel it very much. I think I could stick a pin in it quite comfortably. Coincidentally, this is the finger I use on the right trigger button on the controller, which fires the gun, which makes the controller vibrate.

    Anyone else experienced this?
    And most importantly ... am I gonna get the feeling back in my finger?

    I experienced a similar thing after an Outrun 2 session on a friend's XBox a while back. The XBox controller's rumble is truly arthritis-inducing.


      Its called "Vibration White Finger". Miners used to get it in the old days.
      You should only worry if it doesnt go away.


        I never play with vibration on. It is very bad for you. PGR2 made the tips of all my fingers have pins and needles for about 2 weeks (I was typing loads at the time at work too). I asked a doctor (well my dad) who said that it will go away, and it did.

        My trigger finger also aches after long xbox sessions (especially racing games). I hope that the 360's controller has less resistance on its shoulder buttons.


          Originally posted by Ady
          The XBox controller's rumble is truly arthritis-inducing.
          Agreed. I noticed this too. It's so powerful you can actually hear the motors working if you have the TV volume down low.


            How long were you playing for ?

            I've not had this and I have some seriously long sessions sometimes - Right enough, I've been playing games since the ZX81 so there's nothing my fingers cannae take.


              Yeah, I've been playing videogames for over twenty years, using various digit-mangling contraptions, and this is the first time I've had a problem of any kind. I must've put in about 4-5 hours play yesterday, with the old-style BIG controller. I usually switch off vibration, cos I find it to be a pointless and irritating gimmick that got stale about ten minutes after the N64 Rumble Pak was introduced.


                I also have two decades of gaming behind me (not that it has anything to do with anything, imo), and that XBox controller is the first to cause me physical discomfort.


                  The Xbox has officially The Strongest Rumble Evar, doesn't it? Saying that, both my hands actually went numb after a PS2 Rez session, the other day.


                    Originally posted by peeveen
                    cos I find it to be a pointless and irritating gimmick that got stale about ten minutes after the N64 Rumble Pak was introduced.

                    Vibration was designed for Starfox and Starfox alone


                      i pretty much only use wavebirds or the hori digital pad, so i always get a bit of fright when playing my brother's xbox


                        Who actually even notices rumble effects? I know I don't any more. I've never thought it added much to a game anyway.


                          Originally posted by wush
                          Who actually even notices rumble effects? I know I don't any more. I've never thought it added much to a game anyway.
                          Back when rumbleing pads were new it really added to driveing games for me on the first colin mcrae it worked really well by giveing you a bit of feedback on what type of road suface you were driveing on.

                          I also got one of them starfox packs and that was great at the time, but yeah i think your right with it being used more and more it tends not to get noticed as much, i certainley dident miss it on the dc and havent even thourght about it with the psp or ds.

