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PSP - Datel X2 high capacity battery

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    PSP - Datel X2 high capacity battery

    Has anyone got this battery? Datel claim around 8 hours use is there any truth in this claim...battery seems really cool since it slots directly into battery slot.

    check these pics.

    cheapest place i've seen it...

    Id rather have another 1 or 2 normal batterys then that ugly thing.


      so it lasts twice as long because its twice as big?...whats the point.
      why not just buy a second sony one and swop over if the need arrises.


        I prefer to carry less bits & pieces - continually swapping batteries is a nuscience & increases wear & tear. If you look at the PSP underside you will notice a hump on one side this adds one on the other so it should be a bit more ergonomic...ugly maybe but it ain't supposed to look pretty it serves its purpose & is on the under side. Now any one know if it lasts that long...


          NEver noticed this before, I might buy this, sure it looks ugly as hell but its double the capacity!!!

          Might just wait til official Sony one actually, the thing sure is ugly!


            Originally posted by Ajay1986
            Id rather have another 1 or 2 normal batterys then that ugly thing.
            I know, why can't they just produce a plain black battery similar to the original? Rather than some cheesy ****ing font embossed peripheral!


              I'd be interested but have some reservations. Nowhere can i find a side/angle photo showing just what the size is like w.r.t. sticking out, also it seems to be a Lithium-polymer cell, as opposed to the official Li-ion. And while this should generally cause no problems, if the production quality isnt so good, and the PSP's power draw isnt suited you might get some issues.

              Still, it's very tempting for those long plane journies where you dont have any recourse to charge up otherwise.


                Here's another 3600mA model without the ugly logo:

                Last edited by VR46; 06-10-2005, 17:44.


                  Logo doesn't bother me, if this can be proven to significantly increase battery life, I'll go for it. What with all this 333MHz homebrew and all...


                    Originally posted by Sony Fanboy
                    Here's another 3600mA model without the ugly logo:
                    That seems to read as a 1800mAh battery that you sort of plug the original into, and then plug the whole thing into your PSP. Check the usage guide, points 1 and 2. So not so good IMO.

                    I might get a Datel X2 and post up some thoughts - assuming it dosent blow my PSP.


                      Sorry for the double-post, but this has dropped way off and is new info.

                      So i went brave and ordered one of these, i was suspicious of the size and seems proved true. It's not just filling the bay and matching the bump, but sticks out quite a bit, and has a battery cover too. Not really notcible (except the weight) when playing, but oh my dog its an instant beating with the ugly tree.

                      Teh Goods -
                      Angle view -
                      Battery details -
                      Top-down view for fatness -
                      Assault and battery -
                      Teh why -

                      I'll attempt to properly test battery-life improvements as i use it.


                        That is SHOCKING!! The pictures on lik-sang make it out to be the normal size, not a whole centimetre or two sticking out!!!

