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Stubbs The Zombie: Rebel Without A Pulse

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    Stubbs The Zombie: Rebel Without A Pulse

    Am I the only person itching to get hold of this game and play out a classic gaming theme as a crazed, brain eating zombie? Have searched for release dates and can't find much in the way of PAL releasing, can anyone else shed some light on this? According to various US online retailers its out the first day of this coming month both on Xbox and PC. I think it looks great and if us poor PAL people wont be seeing it soon - if not at all - then I'll be waiting on an Airmail parcel coming to my door not long after its 1st of Sept release date.

    If no PAL release is confirmed, thats the first PC game to have a delayed release from our US cousins in a long time. Consoles maybe, but I always figured PC releases were 'almost' same time worldwide.


    Last edited by fallenangle; 05-10-2005, 22:46.


      STUBBS THE ZOMBIE is apparently coming out on the XBox in the US on 17/10/05. But it keeps on being put back and most retailers still mark it as the release date TBA.

