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Next Gen Exclusives

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    Next Gen Exclusives

    From out of what seems nowhere XBOX 360 has (as far as i'm concerned) an amazing line up of games which are ready for launch and in a lot of cases they are exclusives to the 360.

    This got me thinking about the PS3 and some of the games which used to be exclusives - in the last generation MGS2 haa appeared on the XBOX and was just wondering what games are exclusive to the PS3?

    PS2 Exclusives

    Killzone 2
    Gran Turismo

    Devil May Cry 4
    Metal Gear Solid 4

    EDIT: The next Final Fantasy and GTA. Though the latter will only be exclusive for like 6 months before it appears on the xbox360
    Last edited by Kongster; 29-09-2005, 20:44.


      Give it six month and those so called Xbox 360 exclusives will be doing the rounds on other next gen consoles. IF YOU REALLY WANT EXCLUSIVE TITLES, then buy Nintendo!!

      Originally posted by Tom_1
      PS2 Exclusives

      Killzone 2
      Gran Turismo
      There's more than two exclusive titles on the PS2 by the way. Just about every PS2 title i own is an exclusive to the console.
      Last edited by the_dude; 29-09-2005, 21:02.


        I haven't actually got an 360 on order but in defense.

        PGR 3

        won't be seen on a PS3 but surely MGS4 will go the same way as 2 & 3 and see releases on the xbox under the substance names. Saying that is MGS3 getting a release on xbox?


          Originally posted by Tom_1
          I haven't actually got an 360 on order but in defense.

          PGR 3
          Yeah, but all of those titles are first party (with the exception of PGR3). What third party titles are 360 exclusives? The only one i can think of is Gears of War, but saying that, it's eventually getting ported to the PC. So it's no longer classed exclusive. IMO.


            I agree with the dude Nintendo is the way to go for exclusives. Metal Gear 4 will appear on 360 as Kojima said in an IGN interview the only reason MGS3:S isnt on xbox is because of the time it would have taken to port so near to the end of its time, so it makes sense that MGS4 would be brought to 360.


              Dead Rising/360.
              Chrome Hounds/360
              99 Nights/360
              Frame City Killer/360
              Enchant Arm/360
              Quake 4/360 (Hey I dont see it on any other consoles.....apart from the pc)
              Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion/360 (and pc.....blah blah blah)
              Call Of Duty/360 (same as oblvion and Quake4)
              DOA X2/360
              Ninja Gaiden 2/360 (yes, it is going to be made for the 360)

              Hideo said that MGS4 will not appear on the xbox 360, He'd rather do a exclusive original Game. And Gears Of war is exclusive damnit! A Pc is not a console.
              Last edited by El Leone; 29-09-2005, 22:24.


                Originally posted by El Leone
                And Gears Of war is exclusive damnit! A Pc is not a console.
                Hey, if it play's games, it counts!!


                  Yeah but there is a big diff and when it comes to a PC that would be needed to play GoW or Quake 4 the diff could be up to ?400. Gaming PC's are rather expensive and to play games like these the same quality as 360 is gonna take a very good machine which most people dont have and prolly arent gonna have. So i dont think its fair to compare PC's to consoles really.


                    Originally posted by Ajay1986
                    Yeah but there is a big diff and when it comes to a PC that would be needed to play GoW or Quake 4 the diff could be up to ?400. Gaming PC's are rather expensive and to play games like these the same quality as 360 is gonna take a very good machine which most people dont have and prolly arent gonna have. So i dont think its fair to compare PC's to consoles really.
                    Yeah, but in the terms of the word EXCLUSIVE meaning can't be played on any other platform. Then this isn't true of games like Gears of War/Quake4/ Elder Scrolls IV/ or Call Of Duty. Because the consumer can play these games on another platform i.e. the PC in the month's to come. If this is the case the word Exclusive should be invalid!


                      Console exclusive then


                        I've never got this 'console exclusive' thing. Either a game is exclusive, and available nowhere else, or it isn't. Whether or not you can afford a big enough PC isn't relevant, fact is many 360 games will also be on PC and will offer superior experiences for those with high end kit.

                        The whole exclusivity thing is pointless anyway to us as gamers. It's counter productive, our lives would be much easier if we could buy one system and be able to play any game we like. Instead we have to buy at least two systems and still miss out on the odd game here and there.

                        Look at the music and movie industries. For music there is CD, for movies DVD. And look at how convenient it all is. Of course that may all change when Sony take the DVD forum on and come out with their own next gen movie format... but for now we can enjoy what remains of DVD 1.

                        It's a real shame ideas like MSX and 3D0 weren't big hits. With the power of 360 or PS3 there will be little, if any difference between the systems for sheer horsepower, so why not co-develop a chipset together then license it to whoever wants to make a player?


                          Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko
                          I've never got this 'console exclusive' thing. Either a game is exclusive, and available nowhere else, or it isn't. Whether or not you can afford a big enough PC isn't relevant, fact is many 360 games will also be on PC and will offer superior experiences for those with high end kit.

                          The whole exclusivity thing is pointless anyway to us as gamers. It's counter productive, our lives would be much easier if we could buy one system and be able to play any game we like. Instead we have to buy at least two systems and still miss out on the odd game here and there.

                          Look at the music and movie industries. For music there is CD, for movies DVD. And look at how convenient it all is. Of course that may all change when Sony take the DVD forum on and come out with their own next gen movie format... but for now we can enjoy what remains of DVD 1.

                          It's a real shame ideas like MSX and 3D0 weren't big hits. With the power of 360 or PS3 there will be little, if any difference between the systems for sheer horsepower, so why not co-develop a chipset together then license it to whoever wants to make a player?
                          I feel the same way. The PS3 and Xbox 360 are so similar that it's pointless having both on the market, neither bring anything unique to the table. We're getting to a point now where more graphics power is no longer needed. If trends continue then it will quickly get to a point where only Square, EA or Konami have the money to make games that even remotely tap system power.

                          Hopefully it will happen soon and the only new hardware being made will be new and innovative controllers! If it doesn't though, I think the industry will crash within the decade


                            I hope Kojima keeps MGS4 an exclusive for the PS3.


                              I think a lack of exclusives hurts a console's chances of being successful. I for one felt I could live without the Xbox and it's meagre selection of exclusives I found interesting. I caved in a few times for key titles, but it was never a keeper.

                              On the other hand, the Gamecube & PS2's exclusive games were too good to ignore.

                              If the situation is similiar next time around, I will choose one or the other (360 or PS3) once again based on their exclusive games.

