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What's the Most Addictive Game You've Ever Played?

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    Can only think of a few games that seriously grabbed me.

    TFC - not sure on the total play-time, but it was basically a minimum of 6 hours a day for 18 months. Probably around 4000 hours, given the amount of day stints I used to do. Crazy

    World of Warcraft - similar levels of playing, but only lasted about four months. Played about 300 hours but got bored. I loved the game, but the repeating envrionments and repetitive gameplay got to me in the end.

    Battlefield 2 - my current addiction. 60 hours so far, and going up fast. I stopped playing for a while, but the latest patch has finally fixed pretty much every fault the game had. This is the finest multiplayer fps ever created, without a doubt.


      Originally posted by: 60-hz
      The SFII series
      I'm with this guy/gal.

      Seriously, the amount of money I gave to Mr/Mrs Capcom (based on this series), it was crazy, I tells ya!

      Kung-Fu Master/Shinobi and Double Dragon come close, but not close enough.




          Grand Theft Auto III. If I actually saved after each time I played vigilante missions for hours on end I would probably have 100,000 kills. I wish I had just for the count, I used to get home, turn on GTA3 and just play vigilante missions for 5-6 hours and then turn off the PS2 and jump on the PC for some late night fragging.


            Hi, just a quick introduction since I'm new to this Forum and any other for that matter since I've no computer at home (using my girlfriends).
            Thought I'd better get started with a post somewhere, so this is the place.

            Symphony of the night consumed every hour I spent awake for months.
            More recently, I can't get enough of Killer 7 - I'll be starting a new game the moment it's completed, but The Encounter level gets the most time put into it.


              Definitely Tetris on the gameboy, i landed up starting on level 19 with the down and a trick, and that is very fast.
              Wind waker was another that had me drawn in from the start, long gaming sessions with occasional eye rest breaks, and god of war i couldn't stop playing either. Been others, but i know that addict feeling was strong with the above mentioned.

              *edit* after back tracking through the pages i was up to on the thread, how could i of forgot Champ manager on the megadrive, many days i would go into work with zilch sleep, and i also took a day off work to finish lion king on the megadrive.
              Last edited by ShadowDancer; 27-10-2005, 01:06.


                MegaDrive Streetfighter II, GB tetris and THPS 1 and 2 on the psx. These games combined would account for around 5-6 years of game playing. Easily. Especially THPS.

                Although Mr Puniverse on the Commodore plus 4 would be pretty close.

                Actually, while on the subject of SF II, was anyone as fustrated as I was in telling PC owners how good SF II was, and just having them shun you because of how good DOOM was? They seemed completely blind to any different type of gameplay mechanic, and couldn't see the depth of any beat em up game.

                Damn. I spent alot of time on the pc versions of DOOM and DOOM II. Then doen it all again on the PSX.
                Last edited by k0pp0; 28-10-2005, 10:01.

