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I've decided, I'm not buying games anymore!

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    I've decided, I'm not buying games anymore!

    Well it's taken me a while to decide this but i'm not gonna be buying games for any of the next generation set of consoles, (Minus RPG's!)

    The current generation of consoles haven't seen much playtime because i've got that many games now I simply can never decide what to play on. However if a game comes out that takes my fancy I simply can't say no and have to buy it to "add to the collection" to play one day.

    I've decided that i'm gonna stick with a online games rental company from now on for PAL only 360 titles, lets face it with 2 games at a time for ?14.99 a month it's a pretty good deal and will "FORCE" me to play them (Hopefully)

    Anyone else in this boat? Think i've made the right choice, however there's no way in the world atlus and square-enix games aren't gonna be bought to keep.

    Your not buying any... Except RPG's and renting others that take your fancy?

    You love it!


      I tend to get all worked up for new releases, taking days off work and rushing out to buy them...
      I've got a frickin' stupid ammount of unplayed and "sampled" games, taking up way too much space and gathering dust.
      I'd like to say it's gonna stop for the next gen, but I know I'll just get worked up about some title.
      Someone stop me!


        I think i have over 100 games that i've never played, but now i've accepted i'm as much a collector as a gamer. There's no way i'm going to stop buying them, in this gen or the next gen


          I am in this boat too but I would think you probably have more than me.

          I am well in the 100's for PC games, most of which I am yet to play. Must have over 50 Cube and 35 Xbox not to mention Retro formats.

          It took me an hour or so to decide what to play the other day. Then it was a mix between Def Jam and F Zero GX.

          I wont be getting a 360 for a few years and am trying to resist the Nintendogs Blue DS Package

          Originally posted by jeimuzu_uk
          Well it's taken me a while to decide this but i'm not gonna be buying games for any of the next generation set of consoles, (Minus RPG's!)

          The current generation of consoles haven't seen much playtime because i've got that many games now I simply can never decide what to play on. However if a game comes out that takes my fancy I simply can't say no and have to buy it to "add to the collection" to play one day.

          I've decided that i'm gonna stick with a online games rental company from now on for PAL only 360 titles, lets face it with 2 games at a time for ?14.99 a month it's a pretty good deal and will "FORCE" me to play them (Hopefully)

          Anyone else in this boat? Think i've made the right choice, however there's no way in the world atlus and square-enix games aren't gonna be bought to keep.


            Originally posted by Chunky
            I think i have over 100 games that i've never played, but now i've accepted i'm as much a collector as a gamer. There's no way i'm going to stop buying them, in this gen or the next gen
            I'm the same, but as I am a completeist (If there is such a word) it bugs the life out of me that I have stack upon stacks of unfinished games. I'm just going to have to accept the fact I'll never finish them all.

            I love a bargain too - Must resist Pac'N'Roll from Play-Asia for ?8.52, ah stuff that, bought!
            Last edited by Miguel007; 25-10-2005, 17:08.


              Stronger willed than I am.

              I do't understand myself sometimes... it's got to the point where I don't really enjoy games anymore, let I still feel I should buy X game and X console...


                the 360 is the only next gen console that i'm slightly interested in at the moment, although there is so much i still want from this gen that i probably won't get one for at least a couple of years or until a next gen fable comes out.


                  Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33
                  Stronger willed than I am.

                  I do't understand myself sometimes... it's got to the point where I don't really enjoy games anymore, let I still feel I should buy X game and X console...
                  Thats exactly how i've been for the past few years, EXACTLY.

                  I think the reason why i've finally decided its time to stop is because I look at my shelf and there's SOOOOO many games i simply haven't played and it's made me realise I haven't enjoyed gaming since the DC.....purely because I'm buying "for a rainy day"

                  If I limit myself to 2 rented 360 games I either play them, or i don't get change to play anything else on the 360 unless I return them.

                  Still love gaming and my retro collection will still continue to fine itself out


                    Have you considered not buying a 360 until you have given some attention to all the unplayed games you own? That might be an incentive!


                      Originally posted by jeimuzu_uk
                      I think the reason why i've finally decided its time to stop is because I look at my shelf and there's SOOOOO many games i simply haven't played and it's made me realise I haven't enjoyed gaming since the DC.....purely because I'm buying "for a rainy day"
                      It's a good idea.

                      If gaming isn't working for you as much as it used to, take a step back from it. The self-imposed holiday period might rejuvenate you, leaving you feeling fresh and relaxed and giving you a nice new lemony fresh outlook on the genre.

                      I used to play far too many games, all the time, and it just left me with a fat collection where I hadn't got past level 3 or 4 because I was trying to play so much stuff at once. I stopped it for about 6 months and then was catapulted back with Ninja Gaiden

                      Of course, you might just have 'grown up'. My girlfriend says it's got to happen to all of us, someday!


                        I have stopped hording games and only playing 2 at maximum. (Well 2 single player and 1 multi)

                        At the moment it's Serious Sam 2, Burnout Revenge and PES5. It's a great way of saving money if you can resist spending 35 notes each time on games you don't/won't play, I have actually gotten out of my overdraft by forcing myself into this method of gaming! Hooray!

                        If you don't mind waiting for games you could easily have them at a cheapo price used or new, recently seeing newly released games on here in the trading section for 10 quid off is awesome.

                        I rarely play handheld consoles though, but i went out and bought a DS and a PSP... rarely touch 'em but they will have their shining moments.
                        Last edited by Dezm0nd; 25-10-2005, 17:56.


                          Originally posted by Cobertizo
                          Have you considered not buying a 360 until you have given some attention to all the unplayed games you own? That might be an incentive!
                          That'd be impossible for me!! Plus with the fact most of the games i've got are RPG's i'd probably be dead before I finished them all.


                            Lately I've been doing a lot better - playing new games as soon as I get them and ruthlessly exhanging/trading them in if I don't really like them (eg Ultimate Spiderman). I still buy loads of old games off eBay (mostly PS1 RPGs) that I don't play. Like Jeimuzu says, each one takes 50+ hours to complete, where are you gonna find the time?


                              That's one of the main reasons I don't play RPGs any more unless they have something very special to offer. To put 50+ hours into a game that mostly consists of the same old battles over and over to be told the same story you were told last time strikes me as a massive waste of time.

                              Let's see: Would I rather play one boring same-old Final Fantasy-alike spending a month of evenings doing not much more than purposely walking into random battles to level up so I can beat a boss enemy that's of an artificially high strength solely to increase play time, or would I prefer to actually finish four other, shorter, diverse, more fun games that tell me different stories like Beyond Good and Evil, Eternal Darkness, Metroid Prime and Ninja Gaiden with a bit of quick-blast Megadrive or SNES stuff thrown in to liven things up a bit?

                              I think another of my problems is that I have a fair few 3DO and Saturn games which are either in poor condition, unplayed or unplayable (i.e. crap) and take up space but selling them isn't going to happen because they're just about worthless and putting them up on eBay will only end up costing me a listing fee because no one will buy them but I don't want to throw them away. Some of them soon I might just start offering them postage only so that anyone who wants them can have them for the price of a stamp and padded envelope.

