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a fresh new start

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    a fresh new start

    i have become bored with buying pal games and playing them lately, the boxart is ugly (especially the pal slipheed), buying games from gamestation and game is unfulfilling also, i am fed up with big borders on my games (ps2 gta double pack i'm looking at you), and i'm fed up with waiting for a long time for quality titles. Everything about pal games is depressing from the releases, to the boxart, and the lazily ported games to our region (taito legends). Its not just what i mentioned, i've got far too many pal games than what is good for me, games can be picked up for cheap which has led to me having many games i haven't played or games i just don't like. So i'm dissillusioned a bit with gaming, but a quick play on the jap saturn reminded me of what gaming supposed to be, and as i sat playing x men v sf i heard the saturn whisper to me, "go east" it said "there you will find what you are looking for".

    Previously i was put off import gaming because of the pit falls i believed exsisted, but since my purchase of the jap saturn a few months back i've learned what i believed before was just a myth, one stepdown and an rgb scart and i'm away. So i've decided to sell all my pal stuff, from now on i shall only purchase jap games, the boxart is great, the limited edition boxes are even better. I decided i'll start off with a jap ps2 and then a jap DC soon after and slowly build a collection up around them. I am looking forward to this opportunity and even though my collection will be small i will at least have games i will love, limited edition mushihimesama here i come.

    Has anyone else had similar experiances?

    I had almost exactly the same with the N64. I bought late in the lifecycle and everything was sooo cheap, so I bought a lot. Then I sold it all and replaced with NTSC-U or NTSC-J versions and focused much more on the games I would play again more than a few times, rather than just having them "for the collection".

    Since then, it's been variable.

    The Dreamcast was great because I could get any region and pick the best of the bunch thanks to DC-X.

    The Gamecube, I mainly bought NTSC-J versions and then replaced them with NTSC-U versions where possible so I could play them again and get the plot properly. However, the US boxart for REmake is hideous in the extreme compared to the sublime J boxart and seemed sacreligious to swap. Common sense prevailed though and off the J version went to the for-sale forum.

    The Xbox I bought PAL because I don't have a Prog-Scan TV (has a deinterlacer which is nice, but can't accept proper prog-scan signals) and wasn't interested in emulation and wanted foolproof Live. 60Hz in dashboard and global release dates have made it the PAL console of choice.


      Just recently saw the light and have cast aside my PS2 Pal games (except Ico) in favour of some lovely Jap titles.
      It needed to happen really, since I could no longer resist the calls from Katamari etc..

