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In my mind dwells a mutant.

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    In my mind dwells a mutant.

    A 23 year old mass of shapes and colours, it's matter morphs and pulses while a muddled language gurgles in its throat. It was born a transparent silver framed tank with a telescope for a head, smelling of sweets it was only awake at 8.30am and 4.30pm for around 5 minutes or so at a time. I would grow accustom to it's calls, and when it came forth from the darkness (be it carrying an axe, spinning on the spot, disguised as popular cartoon characters or simply an arm) I'd welcome it.

    Its difficult to see it all now, its flickering body stretches too high and wide but I'm aware of its Warriors colours, a white arc is protruding from it showing the angle at which it could launch a projectile. It swings it upon me and the arc turns red.

    I do have power over this freak, I feed it after all and lately I've been wondering more and more what shapes to stretch it into next. It's true that recently it's looked more like Dante and Viewtiful Joe than anything else and I'm pretty sure its happy, but from time to time its switched to a PSP, Xbox360, PS2 and Revolution. A subtle, almost subliminal reminder that its not being all it can be, it's hungry and wants more.

    Its a pretty strange time for me and my mutant, what it's next metamorphosis will be I am never sure, only that there will be change and I will welcome it.

    An apology:

    See what I just wrote is basically summing up how I love gaming whilst highlighting my anxiety regarding the imminent Next-Gen leap. A load of pretentious waffle to some and perhaps a way of communicating and sharing feelings on another level to others. I personally have a love/hate relationship with this sort of thing - Redeye being the main cause - but do believe that ultimately there is a place for it and for me right now its helping let off some pressure.
    THREE NEW CONSOLES WTF???!!!111!!!ARRRGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!11!!............ ...........that helped too.