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    My wife is getting a bit pissed off about the room that my packaging is taking up (fnarr!). Does everybody else hang on to the boxes or should I be brave and flat pack them all? There's quite a few of them. Top of my head I'd say well over a dozen. Plus peripheral boxes and old games. They take up some space but I couldn't just chuck 'em. Could I?

    As I tend to move every 6 months or so I always keep boxes. However, I just moved in with my Gfriend and have chucked the lot >_< Gulp!


      Don't throw away boxes! Last time I did that for an old VCR I needed the box the very next week.

      As a final resort, flat pack boxes but not console boxes! Be creative in where you put them if space is an issue. You can usually fit a few under a bed, some at the bottom of your wardrobe, loft, airing cupboards etc.

      I was broken into a couple of weeks ago, but I had serial numbers for ALL my stuffs cos I kept the boxes that had the sticky labels on


        I keep boxes as they are and don't flat pack them as they house the inner packaging for whatever came in it.


          Same here. Throwing them away is just like throwing your money away.


            Apart from awful PAL SNES/N64 boxes which were made by the devil. They take up room than far many of them are worth.


              yes but sometime you cant flat pack the boxed if they are plastic like the massive pal saturn and mega drive ones! Infact DVD case's are too big! he xblock box is ridiculously big, hell Tekkis too big for its own good!



                I stick all my boxes up in the loft, flat packed unless they can't be ala Xbox box. I also stick all my games/DVD's in wallets and keep the boxes safe but out of the way. you can't play the box, and they just get in the way. Plus after a while the house becomes too small to store a load of boxes, it starts to look like an indie game shop. Keep the missus happy and move the boxes that's my advice.


                  well i keep the boxes for my consoles but haven't kept boxes for things like memory cards or controllers as they've been the plastic stuff you have to cut into as i dont have a box for my gameboy player

                  plus its worse for me living with my mam atm as i dont have much room

                  how come things come in boxes in japan and we get the crappy plastic which takes you an hour to cut open


                    I've got a cracking little hidey-place in the garage in between two sets of units where I have cunningly stored my boxes. As someone mentioned, if you are going to chuck the boxes away, then you may as well set fire to the notes in your wallet as well, a la Krusty the Clown.

                    "Lisa - here is $40. It is all I have. Take it and go bury it in the garden"
                    "I love you mom"


                      Ahhh the world of video games and ther boxes.Never ever made sense to me.Like with neo geo MVS games.You can buy stuff very cheaper but if it comes with the artwork and the box they can charge 5 times the price.Sure its the same with many other systems


                        Been there,done that. Never again. Unless your 1000% sure your never going to sell them on.


                          it's great in my new house, it all goes in the loft!

                          smaller boxes like DS, digital camera, mobile phones go on the top shelf in my office on display

                          never chuck the boxes though, always useful when selling in the future!!


                            Get a small, cheap, professionally guarded storage locker e.g. the big yellow warehouse or whatever it's called and take all your boxes down there. Make sure you put in some silica gel in there to keep things dry just in case. Shouldn't cost you much money, they're generally quite local, and it'll shut her up too so she can then take up all your space with shoes and handbags.


                              I agree with the points that high price/new purchases are worth keeping boxes for, but second hand tatted up PAL cardboard boxes?

                              No chance. They take up too much room for no value.

