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Other genres for the DS

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    Other genres for the DS

    I was just humming some of the HOTD theme tune in my head (god knows why)

    but wouldnt a shooter like that work quite well on the ds, just imagine Virtua cope 1/2 and HOTD 1 &2

    it would be immense, although how it would work on two screens, god only knows

    Shooting games on a touch screen are a bit easy though, there's no aiming, you just prod the enemies, but I always thought Silent Scope on GC with the GBA screen acting as the scope view would have worked instead of what they did. I also think a DS Silent Scope using the touch screen to move your scope (instead of just prod and kill) and a button to zoom in (3D on the touch screen) or just having it permanently the scope view with the top screen being the 2D overview screen would work well too. They'd have to re-work it slightly as aiming with a touch screen would be a lot quicker and easier than aiming with the full-size cabinet and far easier than the DC version's slightly twitchy/sluggish (depending on situation) controls, but if you have it that the further you move away from the centre of the touch screen the faster your gun moves i.e. analog on the flat surface, I think that'd work really well.
    So yeh, a Silent Scope game for DS with reworked original game and a load of new missions would be ace imo.

    I also think it's about time a Gauntlet game happened for DS. I wanted 4-player GBA Gauntlet with link-up, I thought GBA was ideal for it but it never happened. A compilation that you could play 4-player locally together or over the internet would be ace. They could put in all the previous 2D Gauntlet games but add in endings and the Deeper Dungeons extra mission levels too. I thought they should also have a one player game where it saves your progress after each level so that you can continue your game, or a self-contained level challenge mode where it lets you tackle each level seperately but you start off with a certain amount of health, so if you only started off a level with 200 health and no keys or potions and there was Death and some ghosts, you'd have to be very careful and make sure you got hold of the food and made more intelligent use of potions and special weapons if you wanted to survive and make it to the exit.
    Gauntlet in its native form is crap these days, but if they made a few modifications to the formula along those lines and threw in all the levels with a save facility and challenge mode and the sprites and sound from the arcade version I'd definitely buy it.


      Originally posted by vertigo
      I also think it's about time a Gauntlet game happened for DS. I wanted 4-player GBA Gauntlet with link-up, I thought GBA was ideal for it but it never happened. A compilation that you could play 4-player locally together or over the internet would be ace.
      This would rawk t3h world. Not so sure about Silent Scope, but Gaunty would be absolutely ace. Question is, is the DS dpad up to the job?


        I want some proper decent RTS' for the console, The original Command and Conquor or a proper version of Age of Empires (not the majesco thing thats been announced so far) would be awesome, online multiplayer too... heaven.


          I don't like RTS but yeh, that was one of the first things mentioned when the DS was revealed and it's not really happened so far, has it?


            I reckon a shooting game on the DS would be sweet

            It would just need to be reworked to up the difficulty due to the touch pad

            I was thinking something along the lines of having to draw a circle around the target or just a wee circle like a cross hair each time you want to shoot someone

            I reckon it would be the nutz


              what you could do is always have a cross hair on the screen, and the delay could be from that having to scroll across the screen to where you're aiming next causing the slight delay you'd get from reaiming a gun, must say confidential Mission was a hell of alot of fun with a mouse


                I want an online Cannon Fodder. You have a gigantic world map, you are the master of your own army. Hundreds of people just move around the online map shooting each other and killing each other. You get roll of honour and all that. And if all your troops are killed you have to go through some army boot camp game mode to recruit new troops (offline).


                  holy **** !

                  Cannon fodder would be superb on the DS, kinda like advance wars but tongue in cheek

                  woooooo nice


                    I dunno really, the DS has exploded with such quality in every genre! Although I wouldn't mind a developer getting a racing game right with touchscreen steering and pit stops. Football management could be done quite well for convienience in menus, drawing out tactics and commanding individual players in game...


                      As far as drawing tactics goes, I'm quite surprised there hasn't been an American Football game that allows you to do that.


                        Originally posted by hankwangford
                        I dunno really, the DS has exploded with such quality in every genre! Although I wouldn't mind a developer getting a racing game right with touchscreen steering and pit stops. Football management could be done quite well for convienience in menus, drawing out tactics and commanding individual players in game...
                        Football Manager pls Sega.


                          Originally posted by oracle
                          I was just humming some of the HOTD theme tune in my head (god knows why)

                          but wouldnt a shooter like that work quite well on the ds, just imagine Virtua cope 1/2 and HOTD 1 &2

                          it would be immense, although how it would work on two screens, god only knows
                          i was thinking the same thing myself, while playing the charging-bulls minigame in feel the magic - i'd love to see a really frenzied HOTD-style game on the DS. the touch screen makes it too easy to aim? triple the number of enemies and projectiles on the screen! or even dump the gun mechanic, and do an on-rails swordfighting game. the zombies, or whatever, start on the top screen and walk closer and closer to the player. when they reach the bottom screen, they're in range for a few quick swipes of the stylus


                            Sorry for bring this topic back from the dead, but i would love to see classic LucasArts games like Monkey Island, Sam and Max, Grim Fandango and Full Throttle on the DS. Control using the stylus would make the DS the perfect platform to host such games.

                            Also, i'd like to the classic Amiga game Walker on the system too, with improvements, obviously!


                              I just want a conversion of Civilization II

                              Would be perfect with a touch screen

