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If you've bought the Nintendogs DS pak...

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    If you've bought the Nintendogs DS pak...

    Does the game come inside complete with box as if you bought them seperate or is it just the cart and manual a la the zelda GBASP?

    It comes complete in the box with all the stuff including VIP stars


      Great thanks. Should be the same with the MK version too, then.


        Aye I would presume so, you gettin the UK one? My gf leaves in a couple of weeks to the states to pick me up the red MK boxset


          bit expensive just for a red MK Boxset


            Originally posted by Boggy
            bit expensive just for a red MK Boxset
            She mentioned something about going for work or something....i dunno i was to busy dreaming bout my ds


              The only difference the bundled version of Nintendogs has from the retail one is the wording 'not to be sold seperately' printed on the front cover.


                See, that would annoy me and stop any hope of selling it seperately.

                Thanks, thats exactly what I needed to know. I'll get them all seperate.

                I'll be getting a PAL one simply because a friend of mine works in GAME and gets great deals and discounts so I'll pay about ?30 less.


                  if your getting a DS pack for ?30 quid less then its no hassle to take the hit for the game saying that on the front

                  SUrely you could sell it on ebay with a pic and that way your showing the world what it will look like

                  i cant see this being a problem


                    Originally posted by Boggy
                    bit expensive just for a red MK Boxset
                    He gets a red MK box set plus two weeks free of the g/f. How is that expensive exactly?


                      Originally posted by vertigo
                      He gets a red MK box set plus two weeks free of the g/f. How is that expensive exactly?
                      Oh yes m8, ive already got a planned xbox 360 booze athon and ill be getting blootered every nite and eating junk food whilst playing games in ma pants!

                      wooo hoooooo


                        On a par with when I got my freshly-imported N64 with 4 pads, Mario Kart, Mario, Starfox and Pilotwings, on the morning of the rest of my family buggering off to Italy for 2 weeks
                        Similar things happened when Goldeneye came out and then when Perfect Dark came out.


                          Originally posted by cutmymilk
                          See, that would annoy me and stop any hope of selling it seperately.
                          I doubt it lol, our Virgin has a load of Mario Kart Double Dash's ripped out of the GC bundle sets and they've jus black marker pen'd the "not to be sold seperately" on the front of the boxes.


                            Originally posted by vertigo
                            He gets a red MK box set plus two weeks free of the g/f. How is that expensive exactly?
                            This is where we find out he paid for the flight

                            we all play up we want time off from our g/f's but c'mon you'll be wanking every night over those special pictures... sorry to go off topic


                              Originally posted by Smegaman
                              I doubt it lol, our Virgin has a load of Mario Kart Double Dash's ripped out of the GC bundle sets and they've jus black marker pen'd the "not to be sold seperately" on the front of the boxes.
                              1) They should be reported
                              2) It's really annoying when shops deface the boxes, especially import places that write a big P in black marker on box, disc and manual for PAL games. Grr.

