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Violent games are boys' toys (Statistical analysis)

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    Violent games are boys' toys (Statistical analysis)

    Or are they?


    Warning: This is a little long and might bore the hell out of you, or it might raise an eyebrow and get people thinking. I don't know, I'm typing this post in anticipation of the numbers before writing my conclusions

    My game collection isn't that big (about 270 titles) and does contain a fair few of the more eclectic experiences around as well as lots of shooty fighty death, but I decided to semi-scientifically test whether if videogames really are just guys shooting each other.


    I decided to exclude games that I have multiple copies of or that I have copies of over more than one system, I'm counting that as one title only e.g. Tomb Raider on both PS and Saturn is only counted as one. Multi-game cartridges and compilations weren't counted.
    This gives me a sample size of 253 games.

    I looked for the following two fairly simple criteria:

    First: the gender of the player-character in the main mode of the game. The options were:
    M - Easily distinguishable as male
    F - Easily distinguishable as female (no Soma Cruz jokes please )
    C - The player is provided with a choice of male or female characters (e.g. Street Fighter 2, Syndicate), can create their own avatar from a set of choices (e.g. AD&D Slayer), or has the chance to control both during the course of the game (e.g. Sin & Punishment or RPGs)
    N - The player-character is not easily distinguishable as male or female (driving game, for example), or the player is given the option to manifest themselves as the player-character and the game talks directly to them (e.g. Wario Ware, Pok?mon). This does not count the game talking to you while you control someone else, like in the case of Advance Wars, which would be classed as a character choice. This also does not count being able to name your musclebound swarthy warrior Jemimah

    Second: whether the player-character was directly involved in the perpetration of violence in any form. This includes anything from swords in Ninja Gaiden to lasers in PUlstar to firing shells in Mario Kart to lasers in Rez to squid abuse in Mario Sunshine. Absolutely any form of violence (shooting, hitting, squashing, anything) perpetrated directly by the player-controlled character was counted as a yes. Non-violent games were counted as no.

    So release those big money roll-over balls, because here's what I found out.


    From a sample of 253 games:

    On the subject of violence:

    72 (28.5%) games contain no violence whatsoever.
    181 (71.5%) games did contain some form of violent act perpetrated or instructed directly by the player-character.

    On the subject of gender:

    100 (39.5%) games had a specifically male lead character.
    Only 17 (6.7%) games had a specifically female lead character.
    However, 72 (28.5%) gave players a choice or had control of both during the course of the main game.
    64 (25.3%) games had a non-gender player-character or gave the opportunity for the player to self-identify the main character.

    So, a total of 153 games (60.5%) did not specifically define their lead character as male.

    On the subject of violence in combination with gender:

    81 (81%) games with a specifically male lead contained player-perpetrated violence whereas only 19 (19%) did not.
    Interestingly enough, the number of games with a female lead that involved player-violence in any form is 14 (82.4%), with only 3 (17.6%) offering non-violent play.

    Obviously, your milage will vary depending on what's in your games collection, but I thought it might have been interesting to do this nonetheless.


    My games collection possibly contains a higher percentage of non-violent games than the average gamer which may skew the statistics somewhat, but this in itself easily disproves that the argument that all games are just about perpetrating mindless violence. That parents have been happy to allow their children to play games that promote more subtle crimes such as animal abuse (I'm looking specifically at the Mario games here) brings up the question of parental and industry observation over what is deemed violent or at least unsuitable for an E rating. The large majority of video games in my collection do involve the player directly controlling or instructing violent acts.

    While pursuits that are traditionally though of as male-oriented are overwhelmingly represented in the games that I, and indeed probably you, own, the gender in games issue seems to overlook the fact that in many, many games the player's character is never specified as male or female, or a gender choice is given to the player. However, because the activity partaken of is generally accepted as traditionally male-oriented or male-dominated, it's often automatically assumed that the player is controlling a man, when no actual indication is given of this during the course of the game, in the instruction manual or on the box.

    I think one of the most interesting conclusions of all that can be drawn from the statistics is that female player avatars are often seen as a breath of fresh air, an inspiration and a great role model to attract female gamers, yet there's a contradiction in terms here due to the overwhelming majority of these female heroes performing exactly the same violent actions (punching, kicking, shooting, etc) as their male counterparts. Joanna Dark wields big guns and makes a racket while rescuing comparatively helpless male non-player characters but has breasts and no penis. In my mind this still makes her no more the positive role model than Duke Nukem or Ryu Hayabusa.


    Bloody people on here play games anymore? What's with all these overly long analytic posts just recently?


      Originally posted by MonkeyWrench
      Bloody people on here play games anymore? What's with all these overly long analytic posts just recently?
      Many people got older, got married, founded a family, began working...

      So there is less time for gaming, and more time at work using the Internet to talk about games instead of playing them.

      vertigo: very nice post


        The immediate thought that springs to mind is to look at what sorts of games have been classed as non-violent. My guess is that they will overwhelmingly fall into your "N" category, as the most common genres that rarely involve characterisation are puzzlers and driving games; neither of which usually involve violence either.

        The other common 'non-violent' games are sports titles, and most of them focus purely on the male game. So depending on how many football games you've got, that might be a skewing factor as well.


          Interesting post

          I agree with your findings in that the majority of female games are violent

          However I think this is primarily due to the fact that the main market for games is still your 20-30 year old males who would prefer their women in games to be leather glad and kicking ass as appose to normal peaceful games

          THink of games like dungeon seige, bloodrayne, tomb raider, perfect dark, etc


            I think the gender aspect is interesting.

            Although 6.7% of games having a female lead, I suspect the majority use that as a hook for male gamers (Tomb Raider, Dead or Alive, Fear Effect etc).

            I know I only picked Blaze (SoR) because she had a short skirt, surely thats worse than the game having no female lead at all?


              Originally posted by mid
              The immediate thought that springs to mind is to look at what sorts of games have been classed as non-violent. My guess is that they will overwhelmingly fall into your "N" category, as the most common genres that rarely involve characterisation are puzzlers and driving games; neither of which usually involve violence either.

              The other common 'non-violent' games are sports titles, and most of them focus purely on the male game. So depending on how many football games you've got, that might be a skewing factor as well.
              Yes, both of these conclusions are indeed absolutely correct. While football games count as having male avatars, there's no intended violence there. With puzzle games it depended. If there was selection of a character (Puyo Puyo, for example) that was counted as a choice, but if it was Tetris it was counted as unspecified. It is a matter of interpretation in some cases (aren't all statistics?) but both of the things you say are absolutely true.

              Forpey: I agree with what you've said too, but did you notice the great upswell in female commentary and pro-female-lead statements that came about with the advent of Tomb Raider? For some reason, at the time of, and shortly after, the appearance of Lara Croft, female gamers suddenly became much more vocal.
              There is of course a big difference between Lara's heroics and the fan service of Dead or Alive's jiggling tits and panties on display, but both contain female avatars and both contain direct player violence. I picked Blaze in Sor1 because she was the most balanced character, not because she had a short skirt, so there was no consideration of her gender for me. Again, I guess it's a matter of interpretation, but there's a depth to this that I didn't want to go near, mainly because I wanted to keep this experiment fairly accessible to ready comment.

              MonkeyWrench: Yeh, I still play games, but I had this thought in the shower (one of the two places where the best ideas are had) and thought I'd carry it out and see where it lead. It only took about an hour to put together and at least it's provoked some sort of debate so far Also, I love numbers.
              Last edited by vertigo; 16-11-2005, 13:27.


                Blaze is fit.



                  Intelligent, measured debate

                  (If she was real then yeh, I'd probably agree )


                    nice one

                    just can't help but think that the guys at Eidos must have killed themselves laughing when the "brilliant" idea of taking a bouncy female for a lead character in Tomb Raider (hey guys, look! 3D tits!) stirred a debate about emancipation in videogames... when it comes to emancipation, i think Samus did a lot better job in 86 already. guys were shocked when she'd take of her helmet at the end of the game: "what the f*ck, it's a... G*RL!?!?". brilliant.

                    but it's a thin line i guess. girls like to identify with a pretty female character, guys like looking at a pretty female character. devise a female character that's sexy enough to attract guys, and decent enough not to offend girls and you're crammed, maximal appeal, bigger sales. but given that gaming still is a mostly male market, sexyness still gets prioritized a lot...

                    anyone know why, in those games where choice of character replaces difficulty setting, it's always the female characters representing easy mode, and the males representing hard? i'm no feminist, but that issue needs some serious emancipation. or is it just the developers way of saying that girls are better?


                      I can't think of a single game where a female character represents easy mode and a male represents hard mode.... in every game I know of that gives a choice, it's got nothing to do with the difficulty.


                        Indeed - it's usually the other stereotype of Male = Slow with big armour, Female = fast with little armour. Then often another, weedier looking bloke who is a balance between the two.


                          Resident Evil - Jill got a bigger inventory, access to the Grenade Launcher, a lockpick to avoid the need to use Sword Key/small keys.

                          Women have it so easy compared to the hardships Chris Redfield had to deal with


                            resident evil
                            psyvariar 2
                            chaos field (i think, for the hour or so i played it i got shot to bits whenever i picked one of the males, with the female character i blasted through the first levels with ease).

                            there's more, i don't have a list ready though. it's not rampant, but i've noticed it fairly often, and never seen a game where it's the other way around.

                            maybe it's more accurate to say that females are often the "beginner" characters. easier to handle, less to achieve.


                              Psyvariar 2 is nothing to do with difficulty, that's just personal preference to how you want to play isn't it?

                              Never played Resident Evil so can't comment, but the word 'often' doesn't come into it at all in my opinion.

