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Nintendo Online Game Stats

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    Nintendo Online Game Stats

    Mario Kart peaking at 90 players! That's pretty damn low?

    Umm its only just come out, give it more time & im sure the numbers will pick up. You can't expect thousands going online right from day 1.


      Plus from the dropouts it looks like they're still getting it up and running properly.
      Very hard for them to test it in their own facility because they have so many units all screaming for attention, so I guess maybe they let their staff take them home to test the wifi better.


        guess it's coz it's quite early over there? might pick up later, will be interesting to see what they're like next weekend once Europe gets the game too.


          Isnt the peak at around 120000 today? Or am I reading the graph wrong?


            Last edited by Mario; 18-06-2012, 20:35.


              Originally posted by Mario
              You're reading it wrong, that's 120.
              Its a dot, not a comma,


                Well, it seems stupid, as if people go to 3 degrees of accuracy. Tits.


                  That doesn't surprise me. My experience of having played it is that you don't often get evenly matched (you can see the win/lose statistics of all the players) which is probably due to the low number of players currently.


                    Any reason why a company with no connection Nintendo would produce such stats?

                    It would be interesting to see how they've connected to Nintendo's servers to pull the information off.

                    Or maybe its just a bull**** site with affiliated adverts


                    45% of users have tried it online apparantly. O.k Nintendos figures need to be taken with a pinch of salt, but it kinda pisses on this stats website.
                    The resource for people who make and sell games.
                    Last edited by Ginger Tosser; 23-11-2005, 16:35.

