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Microsoft Shoots Itself In The Foot

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    Annoying in part - blame myself I cancelled my order because I wanted a new PC earlier in the year and didnt think I would save enough - then promptly sold all my old PC bits and made enough, But not really any worse than any other consoles release (PSP,N64) ... should expect it to be honest, plus all the faults.. why do you think you have a year long garantee


      How about simply ditching all pre-order systems in future?

      Everything should be 1st come first served. If punters want something so much they can queue in the cold from 9pm-midnight at least, or get on the train to somewhere smaller that will have more chance of stock.

      Originally posted by 112
      lol, this is such a funny topic! great read for a lazy afternoon! Plenty of games out there for Xmas, dont need to be a 360 one. You'll get one sooner or later............
      What if the only game you care about for this entire year is PDZ? Great, I'll play it after every other f**ker has finished it and slagged it off for *yawn* not being better than Goldeneye. I can't be arsed with that again, I really can't - argueing with the same f**kers day after day stating FACT over opinion as to why, technically, PD wipes the floor with Goldeneye - in EVERY sector.

      When I get back on Live I'm going to limit the time I spend on forums - I'd rather state my views and opinions with voice as I'm a **** writer.
      Last edited by dataDave; 23-11-2005, 15:41.


        Pre orders are made to semi-guarantee sales and give an indication as to how much demand there is. Also it attract customers.............



          Trading standards shouldn't allow it. What about the interest the retail companies are making on everybodys combined pre-orders that won't even be fulfilled? It's like borrowing cash from the public and being dodgy with it.

          It's pissing me off even and I have a 98% chance of getting everything I want.

          The retail industry is proper queer.
          Last edited by dataDave; 23-11-2005, 15:59.


            its the same with every console launch, except with this one Microsoft are trying Nintendo and Sony would never bother to do (treat europe well). People are just being extra dismal as its Microsoft.


              PeteBrant, aren't you possibly contradicting yourself? Unless I've missed something, which is entirely possible. The 360 launch is better than the PS2 launch which you seem to agree with (as does everyone because it was the lamest launch ever), but then you go on to say that Sony won't be quaking in their boots? They should be. If they aren't worrying that their launch doesn't go better than the 360 launch then something is wrong in their marketing dept.


                Originally posted by PeteBrant
                Slight difference was, if you pre-ordered, you got one unless sit was a few days before. In this instance, pre-order 5 months ago and you still aren't guaranteed. Although I agree, the post launch situation was much the same as PSP - i.e. impossible to get for a couple of months.
                No it didn't, I seem to remember the official preorder scheme going horribly wrong and people still being put into a que.


                  Originally posted by charlesr
                  PeteBrant, aren't you possibly contradicting yourself? Unless I've missed something, which is entirely possible. The 360 launch is better than the PS2 launch which you seem to agree with (as does everyone because it was the lamest launch ever), but then you go on to say that Sony won't be quaking in their boots? They should be. If they aren't worrying that their launch doesn't go better than the 360 launch then something is wrong in their marketing dept.
                  As I said, comparing to the PS2 launch is pointless, for exactly that point - it was arse, the software line up was dismal Christ, in Japan, DVD sales were outnumbering game sales. However, in terms of pre-orders, PS2 being controlled by Sony, whilst not being ideal, was positively god-like next to the shambles that is the 360 launch. Had MS waitied 2 months, they would have nailed it completely. Lots of units, lots of good games. As it is it is rushed and it has already got a bad press - People are up in arms towards game, gameplay, amazon et al - I am sure these companies are somewhat peeved with MS due to them promising X amount of units, and actually allocating Y - Customers will blame the retailers, not MS. Its not going to do thier relations any good at all.

                  The reason I feel Sony won't be too concerend is simple:

                  (i)It would be difficult to launch PS3 with the same level of ineptness as 360- Games are getting mixed reactions, people are complaining over build quality, and obviously the lack of units.

                  (ii)PSP is going to absolutely destroy it in terms of sales, for no other reason that PSP is going to be readily available

                  I want 360 to succeed, I have 2 on pre-order but I have 2 concerns.

                  (i)The launch debacle will harm sales and cause people to hold off, of buy a PSP instead

                  (ii)The woeful Japanese launch, in terms of titles, no core pack availability and next to no backwards compatability will mean a continued lack of support from eastern devcos - I want 360 to succeed where Xbox failed - I want to play RPG's/Benami/Niche titles on it.

                  In any event, this is my opinion of the launch, if peopel dont agree, thats fine, but saying "its better than the PS2 launch" isn't exactly a ringing endorsement in my eyes.


                    I don't think it'll affect sales in the slightest, as the saying goes , "There is no such thing as bad press"

                    And why would someone who wanted an xbox 360 just buy a PSP instead, maybe they don't want a PSP, which is why they didn't preorder one and get one 3 months ago.

                    As for the BC list Microsoft have said that it is a Work in progress and is it going to make all that much difference anyway as ony 3 people in japan own/sell xbox games, also I'm sure being a multi billion $ company , they have done their research into the japanese market and have a very good reason for not launching the core pack over there. The core pack was solely created for europe, but for reasons unknown to the public, they released it in the states too.

                    and as for playing Niche titles, most people here don't care if it does well in japan or not because they will just buy the other consoles too. Its amazing what the ability to buy more-than-one console.


                      Originally posted by EvilBoris
                      I don't think it'll affect sales in the slightest, as the saying goes , "There is no such thing as bad press"
                      I think there is - Espeically when there is competition

                      Originally posted by EvilBoris
                      And why would someone who wanted an xbox 360 just buy a PSP instead, maybe they don't want a PSP, which is why they didn't preorder one and get one 3 months ago.
                      The average person in the street is not going to have a clue about pre-ordering - Some are going to go into Game to buy a 360 for Xmas and walk out with a PSP - on account of there being no chance whatsoever of having a 360 in stock.

                      Originally posted by EvilBoris
                      As for the BC list Microsoft have said that it is a Work in progress and is it going to make all that much difference anyway as ony 3 people in japan own/sell xbox games, also I'm sure being a multi billion $ company , they have done their research into the japanese market and have a very good reason for not launching the core pack over there. The core pack was solely created for europe, but for reasons unknown to the public, they released it in the states too.
                      The same multi billion dollar company that royally ****ed up in Japan first time around? The same multi billion dollar company that tried to impress at TGS not with RR or 99 nights, but with Gears of War a game that is not exactly suited to japanese tastes. There is no evidence that 360 is going to do any better in Japan than Xbox did.

                      Originally posted by EvilBoris
                      and as for playing Niche titles, most people here don't care if it does well in japan or not because they will just buy the other consoles too. Its amazing what the ability to buy more-than-one console.
                      I dont give a monkeys about anybody here, let alone most people - I was expressing a personal desire to see 360 succeed in japan and have a diversity that was sorely lacking from the overtly western centric Xbox.


                        I love debates!


                          Originally posted by EvilBoris
                          I love debates!


                            Originally posted by PeteBrant
                            I dont give a monkeys about anybody here, let alone most people
                            Woah, don't hold back dude!

                            I don't think someone who wants a 360 will walk out of a shop with a PSP, even an utter moron. It's like going in for a TV and coming out with a DVD player. For one, the sales people in Dixons are just not up to it, but mainly, little Jimmy wanted a console that plugged into his TV. He'll probably end up with a PS2


                              Originally posted by DavidFallows
                              How about simply ditching all pre-order systems in future?

                              Everything should be 1st come first served. If punters want something so much they can queue in the cold from 9pm-midnight at least, or get on the train to somewhere smaller that will have more chance of stock.

                              What if the only game you care about for this entire year is PDZ? Great, I'll play it after every other f**ker has finished it and slagged it off for *yawn* not being better than Goldeneye. I can't be arsed with that again, I really can't - argueing with the same f**kers day after day stating FACT over opinion as to why, technically, PD wipes the floor with Goldeneye - in EVERY sector.

                              When I get back on Live I'm going to limit the time I spend on forums - I'd rather state my views and opinions with voice as I'm a **** writer.

                              David fallows, if you dont want other peeps opinions then you dont have to read them, Dont click on the threads talking about said game. Simple really, you dont have to have everything as soon as they come out all the time. Sure its nice to be first off the mark. I was jus stating that there are still so many quality titles on other platforms which deserve attention. 360 titles arnt even in there infantsy (sp) and like neil mcrae stated somwhere in another thread, a few games could have easily been put on xbox.

                              Ok so PDZ is very tempting, but im not saying you should hold out and miss out completley, but why get so uptight about it. If you really want it then by all mean get it. Im jus saying its not the be all and end all man. Oh and golden eye poos over PD lol! :-P


