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New consoles more often please.

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    New consoles more often please.

    This 360 thing is great! The XBox still has life in it and now I can pick up bargains that still look great! Sudeki, Deus Ex, Broken Sword and Mashed for ?20 from Gamestation! In fact Mashed is worth ?20 alone. Myself and the nipper actually spent some time playing together yesterday! Haven't done that for a while (normally rely on Nintendo for that method of play).

    Anyway I think they should bring out the next XBox sometime around spring next year. That way I can buy four 360 titles from Gamestation for ?20! And the console for about ?50. Excellent!

    I suppose the Cube stuff will start selling real cheap soon. If you can find it in any shops that is! Odds on that Revolution will be their last. How much money (and face) can they afford to lose?

    Is it right what they're saying on the 360 thread that it's selling on the High Street for quite high sums. Package deals admittedly but all the same, why? I had a fiddle with the demo pod in town yesterday and yes the titles ran well (kind of expected that ) and the console looks nice (pads felt good but not sure of the look) but why the hype? Gotham looked great but I suppose the days when we really stood open mouthed have gone. There was a BIG ****ing difference between the SNES and the PS!

    And every world now looks gorgeous with so much detail. But why are my actions so restricted? Once I was so happy with, "Wow I can open cupboards and find stuff!". Now it all looks good but I can't handle it without either shooting it, knocking it when I walk or picking it up and being unable to put it down without throwing it half way across a room. Hmmm, exactly how I handle the items in my own home

    I want something refreshing (looks like Mashed is gonna get another play today) but so far only the Revolution controller has got me excited (by **** that thing looks cool! All sleek, familar and iPod-like.) Of course I will get round to buying a 360 and PS3 but may well wait until the killer app for each turns up. Only Nintendo consoles deserve release date purchases (at least they used to).

    Anyway must stay away from town today. Too soddin' expensive. And everywhere's covered in snow

    All good, except isn't Gamecube the most PROFITABLE this gen console?


      Originally posted by cutmymilk
      All good, except isn't Gamecube the most PROFITABLE this gen console?
      Actually, it was GBA. And Gamecube was also fairly successfully if you look software sales.


        Originally posted by cutmymilk
        All good, except isn't Gamecube the most PROFITABLE this gen console?

        The other vendors have businesses that are diverse enought to support their sales model.


          Originally posted by iloveannie
          Only Nintendo consoles deserve release date purchases
          Have to agree with that one.


            Column in the Metro today saying Nintendo were suffering financially at the moment, due to Gamecube's lack of popularity. The spokesperson said it was due to people waiting for PS3 and 360 (no they didn't even mention Revolution!)


              What do you expect from a watered-down version of the Evening Standard?
              Misinformed twats.


                By suffering, I think they mean, not making endless streams of profit on hardware and software. Perhaps if they released some good games for it, it might help. Or just more games.


                  Have to agree with the cheap games thingy. Apart from the Gamecube (and next the Revolution), I've always bought consoles near the end of their life. Got an N64 when the DC came out. Got a DC when it was ?50 in argos. Got an xbox when it came down to ?100. Just got a PS2 last week (with ICO, god of war, katamari, psyvariar, eyetoy and modchip) very cheaply. Can't see myself picking up a 360 until the PS3 comes out and the 360 price plummets, but if the Revolution is near the same time, then it'll have to wait even longer. I get very excited about games, but there's no way I could afford to play all the games I want to play if I bought them all at full RRP, so picking them up later on is my only option (I don't really like buying 2nd hand games unless it's from people on ntsc-uk that care for their games). I seem to have the time for new handheld games (gba and ds) because they are cheaper new.

                  Which is all quite odd when you think I'm involved in a videogames website.


                    Not odd at all. You just like to get the most out of your money.


                      The thing I'm going to miss most about not getting a 360 straight away is the Live games and not being in on them from the start when most people are playing.


                        Well with the enevitable price drop at some point it seems just like flushing money away getting it at launch.Buy it now at the asking price or wait and perhaps save 50-100? later on.

                        Also with consoles dont later versions become more reliable ?


                          Over here in New Zealand I'm very pleased that the day of the 20 buck(8 pound) new console game has come apon us. Only seen a couple of them, but there's more all the time, good stuff too.

                          I think I have enough RPGs on PS2/Gamecube to last me until 2007, which seems like a good time to pick up next gen stuff.


                            Originally posted by cutmymilk
                            All good, except isn't Gamecube the most PROFITABLE this gen console?
                            Hey I sold some Cube stuff on eBay recently and managed to make a (small) profit! But one console and several games does not a world class business make


                              Hmm, I'd rather not have new consoles more often, for the reason that I'd prefer if developers could get better with the development environment and make some good things instead of having things in that break otherwise good games because they haven't quite grasped the intricacies of a console. The real cream of a console's games seem to appear after between three and five years. Small developers don't generally bust out a console game on launch day, they tend to turn up a while later after they've mastered the development environment and the devkit costs come down significantly in price.

