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Game cliches

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    Climbable sections of walls.


      You can kill others with 1 or a few shots, yet you can withstand a mini-gun assault and still stagger on for the next hour or so.


        Originally posted by Darwock
        But green is the internationally approved colour of health and bonus items!
        In Crash Bandicoot the green ones were even worse than the red ones.


          dual wielding - rubbish


            Final boss characters that inhabit high rise buildings solely for the purpose of being thrown through said window to their death by the hero of the hour. See: Final Fight, Geese in Fatal Fury, many more


              Originally posted by seany1979
              Final boss characters that inhabit high rise buildings solely for the purpose of being thrown through said window to their death by the hero of the hour. See: Final Fight, Geese in Fatal Fury, many more
              And they seem to survive for the sequel

              Think its happened so many times they wear a parachute


                Yeh I love the instant effect of pick-ups.
                Food was mentioned earlier but also flying into something in space will instantly upgrade your craft which obviously would have cost a fair bit and taken a fair time to build, yet crashing into selected shiny things is just fine and doesn't destroy you at all.

                Not quite in the clich? category but I like how in Mr Driller you're running out of air all the way down and then at the bottom you reach the goal and go hurrah! and everything's just fine again. Eh?


                  *Goons in scrolling beat em ups all wear the same clothes but in different colours.

                  *All beat em ups post SF2 have a 'slow but strong' wrestler type: Virtua Fighter, world Heroes, Fighters History, Samurai Showdown

                  *Japanese RPG heroes all look totally un Japanese (except Shenmue)

                  *Football management games ALWAYS ALWAYS stop you buying certain star players, even though you offer silly money


                    Games that have confusing levels probably to add extra play time to a game

                    Thinking of the snowfly forest in vagrant story i am sure there have been many similar things in other games


                      Originally posted by eastyy
                      Games that have confusing levels probably to add extra play time to a game
                      Yeh, I can think of one of those. The Labyrinth in the PAL version of Revenge of Shinobi that still kept the Japanese numbering system in the background. It might have been fixed in a later revision but my one's definitely got Japanese numbering. I never got past that level back then and I didn't even realise what the lettering was (thought it was just decoration or something) until years after when I knew what the kana for 1-9 were from experience playing Mahjong Master and finally beat the level coz all you have to do it choose the right doors to go from area 1 through to 9. That horrid repetitive 'music' didn't help either. One of Koshiro's few cock-ups.


                        Not only that, they're usually found under a barrel or crate. I mean who would eat a roast chicken that's been found under a crate?!

                        Originally posted by Nu-Eclipse
                        How about going one step further? Beat-'em-ups assuming that merely eating a random steak/chicken/lamb (delete as applicable) will make you totally healthy again and cure all of your ailments?

                        "I've been shot, stabbed and beaten up badly, but eating that piece of meat will totally restore my health!!"


                          Stealth/platform/balancing sections in games that are action

                          examples god of war/ no one lives forever 2/the warriors etc


                            In 3D fighters, a skyscraper-rooftop level complete with helicopter with searchlight flying around the place.

                            And the old man/kung-fu expert type character you always get in fighting games is a bit of a cliche.

