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Has Importing Made You Impatient?

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    Has Importing Made You Impatient?

    Take Viewtiful Joe, it isn't hitting the states until September!!!

    I'm sorry but that's too long, what am I supposed to do all summer. So June 26 seems more palatable. Aside from the fact that this game really doesn't require much translation.

    Anyway I feel the same way about Soul Caliber 2, though I wish I got VF4 Evo instead, and PN 3 and the fact that Mr. Driller Drill Land is never coming to the states made up my mind for me there.

    Not to mention that Japan offers different gaming experiences that can't be found here. So I ask you has importing, and being an importer made you impatient?

    I think PAL gaming tests my patience more. Waiting 8 months for Shinobi to come from the US really irked me.

    Che, are you any relation of Joe Musashi?


      Yes it does make you more impatient, but thats only because I now know that games are being released so much earlier. When I was only buying PAL I didnt bother looking at Japanese and US release dates.

      When importing is open to you, you start to look at when things are coming out first, and then you become impatient.


        I'd love to import games but Im too lazy


          Originally posted by lordcookie
          Yes it does make you more impatient, but thats only because I now know that games are being released so much earlier. When I was only buying PAL I didnt bother looking at Japanese and US release dates.

          When importing is open to you, you start to look at when things are coming out first, and then you become impatient.
          Exactly what lordcookie said!


            Originally posted by Che Musashi

            Fatbot- my apologies.
            Just noticed that, no worries mate I hope you got my pm explaining my name


              Originally posted by Molloy

              Che, are you any relation of Joe Musashi?
              No I'm a Yank, truth be told in real life my last name is:
              Originally posted by spoiler
              But that isn't cool on message boards now is it?
              And Che, well check the avatar!


                You know, you look very much like a 1950s revolutionary che! Very interesting!

                But I agree that it has made me impatient... Why wait if you can get superior product at a lower price from trusted retailers?

                It's just stupid!


                  The hyping of games waaaay before release makes me impatient. I`d rather read a mag which hyped and reviewed games which I could then actually buy, rather than finally see on the shelf witha wave of nostalgia about what I was doing when I read about it...


                    yeah but they hype a game to get an initial rush of sales, just in case it gets slated in review, some of the software co.'s generate enough sales in the first few weeks to just about cover themselves if it is a flop in the reviews.

                    I personally am impatient with everything new toy wise, I have to have it next day, if it means spending a tenner more on a ?35 game then I will sad but true.


                      Originally posted by c-cat114
                      The hyping of games waaaay before release makes me impatient. I`d rather read a mag which hyped and reviewed games which I could then actually buy, rather than finally see on the shelf witha wave of nostalgia about what I was doing when I read about it...
                      Thats an interesting point. Thanks to the Internet you can start reading about titles from the very minute they're announced in Japan... but if your a PAL gamer you have to wait an extra year (timescale made up and plucked out of the air) for the title.

                      **** that.


                        You know in the states it seems like a chore to wait 6 months for a game. But to think the PAL market, making people wait a year, just doesn't seem right. The one advantage is that you can avoid overhyped games like Xenosaga and play the good stuff when and if it hits.

                        Still if I worked for a game company I would hook up the PAL gamers. Personally speaking though, I don't have time to wait for games. Let the lemmings wait,I'll have already played it.

                        In fact the only big game I'm really waiting for is Virtua Fighter Evo which unfortunately is going to have a ****ty greatest hits red bar on the cover.


                          Originally posted by Che Musashi
                          play the good stuff when and if it hits.
                          There's the problem - the good stuff doesn't always 'hit'. Stand up Animal Crossing.


                            I can't believe the big N hasn't released that yet. Is it a hangup with the Holidays or something. Do they not know to put Boxing day in? Is there a petition for its release or something?

                            You guys got Prime and Wind Waker right? Does Sony or Microsoft treat the PAL market this crappy?


                              David Gosen is asked about this in this months Gamecube Edge Equip (special edition of the mag focusing on the GameCube). His answer was that yes it had done well in Japan, and yes it had done well in the US but the localisation issues were large and that they were already bringing the new Pokemon games to Europe this year and couldn't do both.

                              Personally I think its a lousy business decision. Pokemon is on the way out over here... (at least as far as I can tell, you don't see it around like you did when it was in fashion with the kids).

                              In fact it was an interesting interview in general. He was asked quite a lot of awkward questions and didn't really have any sound answers. It reminded me frightengly of that J Cecilion interview Edge did - the one that made me think "now here's a chump whose no idea what he's doing".

                              I was going to create a thread on it but I want to reread it first while not under the influence of beer

