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So, what time are you going to Tesco/Asda then?

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    So, what time are you going to Tesco/Asda then?

    For people who are heading down to Tesco/Asda etc, what time are you planning on heading there? And how many are you managing to drag with you?
    Think I've managed three in my entourage, although that might be subject to change depending on what time I end up going...

    Hopefully gonna head at about 10 ,access the situation, do some shopping then get in/start a que


      Yeah, I'll try to get in at 11ish, although if I can convince one of my parents to go in quicker with me (shop whilst I wait) it'll be a plus.


        Sounds reasonable. The reason I asked is because I phoned my local Asda today, who claimed that there will be people "camping out" for the six 360s they're getting...and I don't want to lose out.

        Well, at least my nearest Asda has a McDonald's


          I might do a Mr Bean and fill a sleeping bag with pillows, then stick it in the media section


            Tesco told me that they have had enquiries all day for the 5 360's they are getting in - and one guy said he will be there from 3pm

            guess who is getting there around 2.55pm

            ipod, book, ds and psp should see me through, not impressed on the long wait though ... my local game has a few premium 360's for sale, but they have people queuing from 2am (they open at 7) - the choice for me is 9 hours wait in the warmth of tesco, or 5 hours wait in the freezing ****ing cold outside Game ... decisions decisions


              So how do you go about queing for a 360. It's not like you stand outside a if it's a 24 hour one.


                LOLz - what if you need to go for a big turkish then some chavs steal your place?


                  there better be a lot of them and they better have sticks

                  16 stones of anger will soon get my place back ...


                    Better get a colostomy fitted mate


                      Originally posted by John Beaulieu
                      16 stones of anger will soon get my place back ...
                      I was soooooo gonna post something offensive, I figure people want to hear my thoughts on PDZ however.

                      Let's water it down.....

                      I'd be at the Tesco myself - you can go and take some food/snacks off the shelves whenever. You might have 17 stones of anger if you try hard enough.
                      Last edited by dataDave; 29-11-2005, 18:47. Reason: Slight offence added


                        Man I just just imagine you people at work now, sitting by the Entertainment desk with your sleeping bags and packed lunches, talking to eachother via Pictochat...


                          i am hoping that we can blag someone into assigning tickets - then i can nip next door into the cinema and watch a movie, then into the bar for a brew or two, then back into tesco for the last hour or so

                          I have a few mates coming up to the tesco at various times to cover me for any toilet breaks i need - just need to chill out with my ipod and sleep for the majority of the time


                            Sleep in Tesco?? That's gonna look well trampy to your locals - if you care, I wouldn't. I'd run around the shop naked all afternoon if it meant I could get my PDZ at midnight.

                            I doubt security are going to let you sleep there man - I'd like to see you try however. Are you coming to my bash when you pick it up? (I hate using 'pick it up', it sounds too american)


                              i dont mean get a sleeping bag on the floor and crash out - i mean sit myself down and catnap whilst listening to the tunes. Plus, who gives a **** what the next man thinks in regards to me sleeping, they will only think the same things when they see us queuing up all day like idiots, playing on ds/psp etc.

                              Doubt it - i will be shagged from queuing all day (if my sleep plan doesn't work) and I have made plans to start playing PDZ on co-op mode at 7.30am - cheers for the offer though.

                              I just hope they have in the software I want (i forgot to ask what games they are getting in) and I want a plug and charge kit as well. Been told that the 360 looks better through VGA rather than component so might buy one of those at the same time.

                              You have Live at yours? Maybe we can link something up via that

