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Next Gen Console Graphics Vs The PC

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    Next Gen Console Graphics Vs The PC

    Probably an age old debate that will never be decided but I cannot help but compare consoles to PC, more so the next gen consoles because they boast quality graphics power and in some cases, High Definition. The PC by far has better graphics than the PS2, GC or Xbox and I found myself thinking the other day: Hmmm, Call Of Duty 2 looks good on the XB360 with a HD LCD screen but the PC would look even better. I know there is more to games than just graphics (infact I wrote this thread, then changed the title cos I realised I was talking primarly about videogame visuals) But, an interesting read I found the other day in the latest issue of CustomPC where a challange was made to make a 'front room' PC to compete with the new gen consoles just around the corner. Furthermore, I found Microsoft are producing official XB360 controllers for the PC.

    Picture this, sat in the front room with a small 'new shape' Shuttle PC, hooked up to a Widescreen LCD screen, Call Of Duty 2 up and running on maximum quality and a Microsoft XB360 controller in your hands.

    I foresee the major differences between a console and the PC is software titles and cost. Most games now are multi-format releases but not all, the funny thing is, alot of console big hits make it to the PC in time but many remain exclusives or take so god damn long to reach the PC, it may aswell be an exclusive. Lastly of course, cost. Considering a XB360 nearing on ?300 and in all honesty, is a games machine. A ?600 PC does all that - better - and more.

    What you guys think?

    Originally posted by neoglow
    A ?600 PC does all that - better - and more.
    I'd be interested in you showing me where I can get a ?600 PC that runs HL2 and FEAR properly.

    Not taking the piss, I am truly interested.

    And to stay on-topic, I find that consoles offer me a far wider range of gaming experiences than PCs do, and I'm guaranteed that a disc that says XBox on it will run on my XBox, whereas I haven't got a clue whether PC software will run on my PC really, even if mine meets the required spec. Life's too short to cock around with drivers and other crap.
    Consoles also mean I can sit comfortably on the sofa and it's easier to share experiences on a TV than to crowd around a monitor.
    If I only played PC games there's no way my girlfriend would have as much interest in games as she does now.
    Last edited by vertigo; 01-12-2005, 10:03.


      It's hard to compare graphics quality with the PC. What kind of PC are we talking about - a ?1500 top of the line job running the latest FPS game?


        The ease of use is the major difference. Underneath the Next Gen are effectively PC's using PC components.

        Using a console requires no setup, no conflicts, multiple connection options. Developers have a set config to work to.


          Originally posted by vertigo
          I'd be interested in you showing me where I can get a ?600 PC that runs HL2 and FEAR properly.

          Not taking the piss, I am truly interested.
          Honestly, no bull, later this week I am building a PC for a friend who's getting it for an Xmas pressy from his parents. I was told the budget is ?600 (excluding a screen), I draw up a list of the parts needed (everything) and they go pay/pick it up and I build it. I kept it under the ?600 mark for a PC with an AMD64 CPU, 6800GT gfx card, 1Gig RAM and all the other gubbins'. Cheapest way to buy a powerful machine is to make it yourself, never ever buy any **** from PC World or Dell, trust me, I work at PC World (booooo, hisssss, yeah yeah, I know ) Absolute ripoff, they may look like bargains but their not and you dont even want to know what goes on in the warehouse!

          Anyway, get the parts from off the internet, Scan, Ebuyer, Overclockers to name but a few. Build it, or get it built by someone and pay a bill alot less than you would at '****-hole World' For reference, I am buying the parts from

          Novatech are a Hampshire based specialist manufacturer of Custom, Gaming, Desktop PCs, Laptops, Workstations and Servers & PC Components available to ship now

          Hope that helps. M.


            Tbh you could build a decent pc (minus monitor) for 600 that would run fear no problem

            Get yourself a A8n-sli board and athlon 64 retail for about 250 quid and that should net you a 3200+

            heres one


            then about 80 quid on a gig of ram

            80 odd for a decent SATA hard drive

            Decent PCI-E card, probs a 6800 (not the best but certainly capable of running the games you mention at least at 60fps)


            then get a case and psu with the change


              Originally posted by neoglow
              and you dont even want to know what goes on in the warehouse!
              Mayo on my floppy disk?


                Originally posted by Dirty Sanchez
                Developers have a set config to work to.
                But surely this defeats the object of consoles graphics power, the console you buy will be the best it can be from day one. 2 years down the line, the console graphics look outdated to the PC and future demanding games can be solved with a graphics card upgrade.



                  Originally posted by oblivion_6
                  Tbh you could build a decent pc (minus monitor) for 600 that would run fear no problem

                  Get yourself a A8n-sli board and athlon 64 retail for about 250 quid and that should net you a 3200+, then get a case and psu with the change
                  Exactly what I have/did. LOL


                    Originally posted by neoglow
                    But surely this defeats the object of consoles graphics power, the console you buy will be the best it can be from day one. 2 years down the line, the console graphics look outdated to the PC and future demanding games can be solved with a graphics card upgrade.

                    When a card/console comes out they are never fully exploited from day 1.

                    I'm not interested in getting into the PC upgrade cycle where I have to spend ?500 on a card that is less powerful than the Next Gen console that does everything for half the price.


                      Originally posted by SharkAttack
                      Mayo on my floppy disk?
                      - LOL

                      Ever heard the saying, **** hit the fan?

                      Think about it.....keep thinking....picture it....yep, youve got it!



                        Originally posted by Dirty Sanchez
                        When a card/console comes out they are never fully exploited from day 1.

                        I'm not interested in getting into the PC upgrade cycle where I have to spend ?500 on a card that is less powerful than the Next Gen console that does everything for half the price.
                        If you mean just a graphics card, someone would have to be beyond insane to buy a ?500 graphics card, the current crop of Nvidia 7800GT's are about ?230, even then thats overkill, a frame rate busting 6800GT for ?130 easily.


                          I like PC's but there seems but just a small group of genres

                          Mostly fps/rts/sports games every now and then something different comes along.

                          At least in japan you can get some decent console conversion games like the metal slug series/guilty gear x2/king of fighters


                            Thanks for the pointers to where I can get cheap PC stuff that's good, guys.
                            And yeh, I know full well that building yourself is better than buying one from an extended warranty merchant.


                              Originally posted by neoglow
                              If you mean just a graphics card, someone would have to be beyond insane to buy a ?500 graphics card, the current crop of Nvidia 7800GT's are about ?230, even then thats overkill, a frame rate busting 6800GT for ?130 easily.
                              How much were those cards 6 months ago?

