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Future Completes The Set...

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    Future Completes The Set...

    Nintendo UK has today announced a new deal with Future to produce its Nintendo Official Magazine in the UK. The contract moves to Future from Emap Active who had produced the title for the previous twelve years.

    The first issue of the new Nintendo Official Magazine will go on sale from February 2006 with a new premium look, feel and new editorial team.

    Dawn Paine, Marketing Director, Nintendo UK, said:
    "As Nintendo continues to revolutionise the world of gaming, we felt it was time to re-evaluate Nintendo Official Magazine and see what other publishers had to offer. We are very pleased to have Future on board with us. Their experience in the magazine industry, particularly in the video games sector, is undoubtedly a great benefit. Emap Active has done a fantastic job over the last twelve years and we wish them every success in the future."

    Robert Price, Managing Director, Future said:
    "Future has a long tradition of publishing in the Nintendo market and after over a decade covering Nintendo products we're excited to finally seal an Official partnership. We will deliver a magazine that reflects the breadth, fun and quality of Nintendo games and the audience who play them."

    One part of me feels its not good for them to move, however it could benefit the magazine which has been ****e for the past few years.

    I dont really like offical mags.

    Its just i dont trust them i always felt they were to biased to the system they were covering

    Then again i have not bought a offical magazine for years so perhaps its all changed


      So what happens to NGC I wonder...?
      Lie with passion and be forever damned...


        I used to buy it just to laugh at how biased it was.


        it was the most biased magazine ever, and their crappy gifts cannot hide that fact

        they used to give absolute stinkers of games %78 and then say it was a bad game.

        I honestly think its very good that they are revamping it, I hope the old team burns in hell.

        some of the editorials they used to write too really used to irk me.

        *how to get metroid prime 2 from your parents instead of a crap cube game for christmas*


        burn in hell - previous NOM mag team. etc.


          Maybe we'll see demo's and a ?5.99 price tag.

          I used to buy it for years as a gulliable child then gave up when it went up from ?3.50 and got thinner and ****ter


            Back when it was known as Nintendo Magazine System, it was a fairly decent mag...for a time. It sooned turned **** though and still is tbh, not a patch on Super Play. Never will be. Maybe it will improve under Future, though I very much doubt it

            Future would have been better off using the money on improving their existing games mags. I mean their games mags are, for the most part, virtually interchangable. And are void of any editorial quality, too.

            Future will end up buying GamesTM next


              official mags have better sorces of info and better demo games, as they are supplied by nintendo themselves. Remember the Official Saturn mag and DC-UK? Well you saw the obvious shift in quality right?

              Either way i dont buy mags so it means little to me. Though why the sudden shift in publishers?



                Thank god. It was absloutly terrible and hopefully Future will give it a new lease of life.


                  Wasn't it NOM who rated Mario Sunshine 10/10?

                  If that had had Crash Bandicoot in it then it'd have been a 6.


                    NoM is a load of sh!te, i haven't brought the mag for years but i did buy i few now and again during the N64 era and it was the worst videogame journalism ever. Biased is too good a word for them, childish was more like it, they gave rival consoles stupid names like 'playstation poo' and dreampants', you would think that a 10yr old writes for the mag. And then there was the reviews nearly every game got 70% or more the amount of 'must buy' games was countless. Thank God they've gone


                      Originally posted by muse hunter
                      NoM is a load of sh!te, i haven't brought the mag for years but i did buy i few now and again during the N64 era and it was the worst videogame journalism ever. Biased is too good a word for them, childish was more like it, they gave rival consoles stupid names like 'playstation poo' and dreampants', you would think that a 10yr old writes for the mag. And then there was the reviews nearly every game got 70% or more the amount of 'must buy' games was countless. Thank God they've gone
                      but, .. but ..

                      "free pokemon guide" NEXT ISSUE!


                        Originally posted by Mayhem
                        So what happens to NGC I wonder...?
                        Nothing, probably. Official and unofficial magazines have coexisted at the same publisher in the past.


                          is NGC mag any good these days? i haven't read it in a while


                            Originally posted by vertigo
                            Nothing, probably. Official and unofficial magazines have coexisted at the same publisher in the past.
                            Either that or Future will move over all the staff on NGC on to ONM and make its existing staff redundant to gain hold of the official status. But they wouldn't do that, I'm sure.


                              Originally posted by Roddie
                              is NGC mag any good these days? i haven't read it in a while
                              Not sure. I stopped buying it after a few issues because it was going way downhill, more tabloid and child-oriented than N64 had been and it was really lacking decent content at that time too, filling its pages with made-up features akin to fan fiction and the like.

