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XBOX 360 winge thread.

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    XBOX 360 winge thread.

    Laughed at.

    Swore at.

    Hung up at....

    These are just some of the woes I've had trying to get my self a Xbox 360.

    I pre-orderd one ages ago oh yes I did... I was on the top list of gameplay and rearing to go for the many months of wait and play time on 2nd of DEC...
    But then something bad happend, something I can't reverse or to be the honest one I woulden't like to after experincing it but this resulited in panic of money and closed my pre-order.
    So.. months down the line everything seems fine and few people chip in to help me get one for the family to play on.
    So as its near the launch I was hoping from talking on these boards I could get one from a supermarket or dixons etc.

    Tonight I made about 100+ calls...
    First hope was Tescos that had 5 and alreayd 5 people queing..@ 5pm.

    Next was Tescos further away which was not 100% sure if they getting any at all.
    That hope went....

    Next was many other calls which each answer Pre-orders only or not even selling.
    A few calls stick out which was HMV laughing at me to even ask.... I felt demoraled.
    Second was Game, I asked if I could coem in for some spare and he told me yes for the ?770 package.
    I asked if we could buy the prem pack on its own and he said we can't do this, our main competatior is Ebay and we are trying to match their prices...
    Oh right.. so if ebay put seman in a cup and sold it for 1p you'r do the same?

    Is this breaking no law of rights?
    I asked him if he could explain why they need to match Ebay's prices when its a Auction Site and their prices are at the CON level. I asked if it was breaking any customer rights laws and he told me to **** off and hung up.

    Thanks bud! See you when i pop in next.

    At now 7pm most stores have closed apart from 12pm open ones but their have gone.
    I've tried, I've failed and I've let the family down I feel like a unworthy man.
    It sounds pathetic and it is... but I never knew what it felt like to really want or need something and not get it.
    This whole xbox 360 launch is a shambles and I just can not wait to see my phone bill after talking to some indian chap who i did nto understand for 20 minutes just to give me a list of stores selling them at 12pm or tommorw..
    After 20 mins he said oh.. its pre-orders only.

    I just feel really down, I was so excited on here posting after post about HDTV, xbox 360! and playing Live with all you guys and gals... So exicted about getting that arcade game of gaunlet and linking on live with you all to hear your voices....
    My excitement has gone ;(.

    Never mind though it was all fun being on a mission to find one.
    Thanks, good luck and have fun to all whom has one or is getting one I am guessing your having a wonderful time.


    Last edited by WazMeister; 01-12-2005, 18:04.

    Mummy I got no XBOX 360 Weep Weep

    This is for all people who haven't got their XBOX 360

    So we can ignore all the crying


      Chin up matey, there'll be more 360's before Christmas.


        True man, Thanks for the cheer up.
        Main objective was to have one sneakly setup while everyone eats xmas dinner and at the end we all go in and play togeather as a family.

        oh well I plug in the old Snes with Mario kart


          Close to Reading? Manager said plenty of Core packs available, get there EARLY! There are 3 Game stores here, the one in The Oracle is your best bet.

          EDIT - As to whoever said there will be more before Xmas, Game manager also said there will be no more for them at least before Xmas. However, this is from the guy who said there arent any good RPG's for the gamecube except Skies of Arcadia.


            Yeah, sorry to hear your story. I'd report that guy at GAME. Sounds like he should be cleaning the streets, not working in a flagship store.


              Just was I was about to start a thread about.


                I wouldn't worry about it at all. A friend of mine runs a gaming site and a chain of storeds. As in - CEO. Told me there's plenty to go around but Microsoft are forcing this to build up - and doing a very good job.


                  Add me to this too.......

                  Gameplay preorder fell through by a day, cancelled Argos order since they took money straight away, MA don't know when they get stock, and all the local retailers are sold out, with Tesco and ASDA having early queues.


                    i dont have one either, whats there to be upset about nothing. i didn't care if if got one or not


                      Come and watch me play mine............


                        Originally posted by WazMeister
                        I asked if we could buy the prem pack on its own and he said we can't do this, our main competatior is Ebay and we are trying to match their prices...
                        I love it. If only you could have recorded that conversation and used it to get pricematches against internet-availible goods in the future. Game have told me so many times that they won't price match outside of a mile or so radius, and now E-bay counts?

                        Rolf etc.


                          Be patient chaps and don't get caught up in the launch hype. I'm waiting till all this dies down so that I can pick an XBOX360 with the games that I want and not the 'straight in bargin bin' ones. Be calm, relax, chill..pick up your DS with Mario Kart and play...:-)

                          p.s. I'm Canada with work and will be holiday in OZ (no 360s there!) for a month over xmas, I have no choice but to wait. ;-)


                            Ive posted this in another thread but just in case others havent seen it Costco at Thurrock have 18 Premium packs in stock.

                            They have branches all over now and open at 10am.


                              i havent got one, and now i wont be getting a christmas present from the rents...

