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Joystick Junkies @ POP Soho Street (London)

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    Joystick Junkies @ POP Soho Street (London)

    There's a Joystick Junkies party tonight with free beers and vodka, but the promise of Vintage arcades on free play is what persuaded me.

    I'm on their mailing list so I got guestlist, anyone else going / been to one before? Here's the link I dunno if it's too late to get guest list.

    As they seem to be more 'fashion' than games I hoping it won't be full of pasty faced nerds like me!

    I'll be pasty after all that beer and vodka anyway.


      I'm thinking of going - trying to rangle those guest listings right now - anyone been to these things before?


        Shouldn't be a problem call Chris on the number on their site and he'll sort you out (Sorted one of the boys at work half an hour ago). I'll bung some impressions on this thread tomorrow (if I make it into the office!)


          Oh yeah they have a defender cab on free play and some PC games on a holoscreen whatever that is!


            Pop is just round the corner from me but... am I the only one that thinks this will be utterly awful?

            On the Joystick Junkies website they come across as a bunch of clueless Nathans. Look at who founded it and they're all too cool for old skool.

            I think the drink and wankering will take over, and the arcade cabs will just be clich?d props like the Alphabet bar on Beak St.


              Well paper old boy it seems you are quite the cynic. I went down there last night with a couple of mates and had... A Good Time! How could I fail to when the free booze didn't run out until after we left around 11pm.

              There were about 200 people there in their mid to late twenties. Four cabs were set up Phoenix, Defender and a couple of what I assume were Neo shooters and they all worked! , I was excepting more but who cares when they're free.

              If you are in the area I would recommend popping along as it was a good laugh was FREE

              Can you see the point I trying to get across?


                well free beer is free beer I guess

                was it not full of new meeja gimps then?

                were the arcade cabs cocktail cabinets or uprights? were they the real thing, or PC emulators?


                  I must admit the were a few people with overly trendy haircuts . But no more than you'd see in any Soho bar.

                  They seemed to be original uprights with proper buttons (the ones that travel a long way down before they click) poor explaination I know.

                  I'm not too knowledgable about cabs but I'd swear they weren't emus.

                  I'm clearing off to Oz at the end of the month so I can't make the other ones in July and August I would suggest the rest of you go. Could be an ideal place for a meet with all that free beer etc.


                    If i was still in the smoke i'd go.
                    After spending many a night and a small (sorry large) fortune at Pop, i would try to drink the bar stewards dry!


                      Originally posted by Papercut
                      On the Joystick Junkies website they come across as a bunch of clueless Nathans. Look at who founded it and they're all too cool for old skool.

                      I think the drink and wankering will take over, and the arcade cabs will just be clich?d props like the Alphabet bar on Beak St.
                      It was a Nathan frenzy:

                      Whats a Nathan? Nathan Barley:



                        The pinnacle of UK gaming "cool" so glad I'll never be part of it!


                          Originally posted by Saurian

                          The pinnacle of UK gaming "cool" so glad I'll never be part of it!
                          Exactly Bet no one there had even heard of games like Soul Calibur or Virtua Fighter let alone stuff such as Joe or Initial D.

                          But look at that guy sticking his tongue out.



                            It would be heavy if there was something like this for real game heads - where we can just get together, blaze, drink, chat and have a laugh, talk about about behind their back....oh yeah - that's my place!

                            This all comes back to: WE NEED GOOD ARCADES! Not wannabes drinking in a bar >_<


                              Originally posted by joystick junkies
                              Joystick Junkies was conceived by Chris Birch of Galactic PR with a view to creating a lifestyle games brand, and help raise the profile of video games within the mass market.

