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Pro Evo 5 on 360 only in 4:3?

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    Pro Evo 5 on 360 only in 4:3?

    I was lucky enough to get a 360 today and while all the 360 games work fine in 720p; I just can't get Pro Evo 5 to run in full screen 16:9 - it has black bars either side running in 4:3.

    Does anyone know if this affects all the 'backwards compatible' games or is there a really easy way to enable 16:9 support? I tried changing the 480p settings in the dash to widescreen but this did nothing too!

    Any help would be much appreciated!

    It's a 4:3 game so doesn't support widescreen.


      so was halo, but that runs in widescreen in 360


        its technically already running in widescreen as its 720P, they just fill the sides in black to maintain the aspect ratio, so you are trying to widescreen a widescreen image

        Have to put up with the bars at a guess.


          Thanks for the replies guys, looks like i'll be getting a copy of the ps2 version to force widescreen and will just have to stick to 16:9 xbox games for the 360!


            Surely if PES5 was to run in widescreen on the 360 it would do so by stretching/distorting the image. Better it runs in 4:3 as it was designed to.


              True, I just hoped it would have had a 16:9 native mode since it is a relatively new game.

              I could have sworn my friends ps2 version of the game ran at native 16:9 as you could see more of the pitch in game than when running it in 4:3. I'll try it out before going for the ps2 over the xbox version.


                I haven't got a 360 yet, but on the XB1 PE5 runs with borders all round on my widescreen crt. The tv even says the game is running at 50hz when I have my machine configured for 60hz!

                Is it really a 50hz only game?


                  Has anyone figured out how to configure the controller to mimic the PS2 setup yet? Can't seem to re-configure the white button to the correct shoulder one.


                    I had PES4 on my laptop and ran it widescreen (1280X854).

                    Looked just as good as 4:3 - which was a worry with it not being true WS.


                      Sound bad news for us.

                      I have played it on XBOX 360 with VGA monitor and it look much better than a XBOX with Panasonic TX32LXD52 with Component cable set in NTSC mode.


                        Originally posted by EvilBoris
                        so was halo, but that runs in widescreen in 360
                        Mine doesn't


                          I couldn't even get Pro Evo 5 to boot on mine


                            its the same with HL2


                              Anyone care to comment how Pro Evo plays with the 360 pad? Is it better than the ps2 setup?

