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GBA/DS - Classic Snes Series

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    GBA/DS - Classic Snes Series

    After enjoying a few of the wonderous NES classics on GBA (donkey kong, mario bros and pac man to name a few) it made me wonder if Nintendo would make a Classic Snes series/Super Famicom series.
    I often doubt it because quite a few SNES games have seen a GBA release already and with the Revolution coming soon with downloadable back catalouge it's unlikely (unless they made a add on for the DS to play these SNES/NES games you download from revolution)

    but anyway if they did make a Classic Snes Series what games would you like to appear? (Games can be on GBA already IE super mario world)

    I would like:
    Super metroid
    Super Mario kart
    Warios woods
    Yoshi's safari (play on DS and stylus is gun)
    mario rpg
    Super mario all stars pack
    pilot wings
    mario paint (DS)
    sim city

    Non Nintendo:
    secret of mana
    Harvest moon
    final fantasy 3
    mortal kombat series
    Cool spot
    adventure island

    I don't mean to sound rude, but isn't this just another glorified "name your favourite SNES games" thread?

    How about, "SNES games that could be improved on by exploiting the DS hardware" instead?

    Wouldn't that be more interesting? Maybe not, and I suspect it's probably been done already anyway.

    Shall we just forget about it?


      Yes lets forget about it.

      I would like to add:
      streetfighter 2
      killer instinct


        Obviously it's hard to let go..


          Well it's not just "not letting go" there quite obviously is a market for these rereleases (xbox live arcade and the virtual console). But I for one would love portable versions of the likes of Pilotwings and some of the less mainstream titles.


            Originally posted by: Moblin
            Well it's not just "not letting go" there quite obviously is a market for these rereleases (xbox live arcade and the virtual console). But I for one would love portable versions of the likes of Pilotwings and some of the less mainstream titles.
            I shouldn't really speak for another forum member, but I don't think that was what Myname was getting at. I could be wrong, perhaps we should ask him.


              Aye, I was referring to Ben saying "Let's forget about it", then proceeding to list more titles

