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Metal Gear Games - Is it just me that gets p*ssed off

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    One thing I loved about Snake Eater involves all the hidden layers that it possesses. The game took the warped sensibilities in Sons of Liberty to a whole new level. Loads of great moments... and despite the fact that the last third is flooded with cutscenes, it's sheer magic.

    It's odd... I think half the game is poorly paced, but once you get to
    , it's as though the MGS team find their feet and deliver the next seven hours with the same kind of quality they managed to embue in MGS (and the tanker chapter of MGS2).


      Well I love the cut scenes, In fact I am not sure how anyone could ever say Snake Eaters cut scenes are anything but brilliant. Trouble is I just hate the way it plays so I sold the game before seeing the end of the story. The aiming mechanics are awful, it just all feels so clunky, it takes about an hour to learn how to exit the crouch position and whenever you get spotted by enemies the whole thing just feels so much like a chore to play it is just boring to me. Of course I do understand you ARE NOT suppose to be seen, but Snake is such a fidgety git that it is a pretty hard task... for me anyway.

      Maybe I am just rubbish, but then I am rubbish at other games too, some of which I still love anyway, so I doubt that?s why I hate it. Metal Gear Solid was ok to play, the second one was getting a bit too much and then Snake Eater added all this messing about with bandages and stuff, and that just wasn?t fun to me at all. They tried to add depth I guess, but it was just so boring and implemented so pathetically that it just didn?t work IMO.
      Last edited by rmoxon; 05-12-2005, 13:14.


        It's just you - half an hour to get up??? Push the X button Snake!


          Well its been a few months since I played it now actually, but I think you need to press X twice or somthing?. I don't know, I just remmember I couldn't get use to it and I usualy ended up either laying down or bobbing up and down like a lunatic.


            It's pressure sensitive, a hard press from standing will make him lie down, from that position a hard press makes him stand up. Any sort of pressure in between and he crouches.


              Well that was another thing I hated too actualy, all the pressure sensitive nonesense. I have always given Konami credit for doing inspired things with boss battles and other moments in the Metal Gear games but Snake Eater's controls just took this too far and I couldn't get along with it at all. Add that to the fact that the game already plays stiff and poorly and I just can't see whats great about it, sorry.


                Originally posted by Il Postino
                Nice work Bada Bing!

                You don't post all that often, but when you do you manage to inadvertantly kick off a potentially soul-sapping debate about the merits of the Metal Gear series.

                Sir, I salute you.

                No one realised this was not a Metal Gear bashing thread! I just wanted to know why they have bloody horrible misaligned borders on cut-scenes!


                  Because Kojima doesn't have a 16x9 screen, I guess. It's the only reason I can come up with for why he likes to make his games look so utterly stupid on widescreen displays.

                  The cutscenes to MGS2 are in a tiny little postage stamp in a sea of black on my screen, and certainly don't help the 'epic' feel he was going for.


                    OMG PS2 can't handle teh graphics!!!!1

                    Actually I really enjoyed MGS on PS and the GBC version too. Haven't played any of the others though, apart from a bit of a bash on the NES one that I found way too hard.
                    Games were less forgiving in those days, but I've also become less good at them too. I used to batter Turtles on the NES, but now I suck at it immensely. I blame slow-moving, win-guaranteed 3D games for sapping a bit of my 2D skills.

