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Final Fantasy XI Beta Test [360]

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    Final Fantasy XI Beta Test [360]

    Free, with Issue 4 of OXM apparently.

    That will be the first time I will buy a Xbox 360 (heck, even a Xbox) magazine.

    Lovely find Bleeders.


      They are like crack dealers, giving you the first fix free, then hit you with the subscription


        Is it not likely that this will be made available as a free beta download on Marketplace ? Can't see them missing the oportunatey to use a title of this standing to promote the use of market place !


          will be one hell of a download if they do, the pc version was something like 4gb of data in the beta, i remember gettin the pack through and it was the size of my pc with stuff


            how daunting, u need xbox live gold pack to use the demo


              Is that biting sarcasm? You don't think you'll be able to test a game intended for online play only without paying for the full online service?


                That's a nice thing to include, though the Japanese get it as standard with the 360 so I'd expect nothing less!

                Anyway, that Full Auto playable demo released tomorrow could be interesting...


                  Oooooo! Didn't know about that. Do you mean on the market place?

                  Where do you get to hear about such things and is there an RSS feed for updates?


                    It says on the link brats, the demo is on the magazine though. Not sure about the marketplace.

                    So remember: Issue 03 of OXM360 is out on Friday, 09 December, with the Official verdict on Project Gotham Racing 3 and playable demos of King Kong and Full Auto.


                      It's pretty easy to track within market place at the moment, with new tags coming up next to games, with newly added content. Going to get alot harder as time goes on though, and much more content is sat on the system.

                      edit : There you go
                      Last edited by Simmy; 08-12-2005, 11:50.


                        Cheers Simmy .

                        Sorry Pete, didn't read the article properly.


                          I don't see why allowing a beta as a free gift on a magazine is such a big deal. It wouldn't be the first time that I've beta'd for a number of MMORPGs without paying a penny, I was part of the CoH beta for about 4 months and the WoW europe one for 3.

                          Also, there's more than enough room on the HDD for the game download and the necessary update files, the PC version only takes up 1.6gb of my C: drive.

                          Another thing to note, is that people SHOULDN'T be able to access xbox live without a high speed internet connection - those marketplace demos took less than an hour each to DL for me and they're about 700-900mb in size.


                            Originally posted by Brats
                            Is that biting sarcasm? You don't think you'll be able to test a game intended for online play only without paying for the full online service?
                            The retail version of FFXI only requires Silver access as far as I'm aware. The online service for it is completely separate to XBL.


                              Ziz iz a fair point. Sorry, forgot about that.

