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Driving games you like (or otherwise)

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    Driving games you like (or otherwise)

    I am a big big big big fan a driving games, I love 'em. But the recent splash of games haven't turn my ignition like they use to. I can't decide if I like arcade or simulation. I didn't like GT3, cos it's driving model is just tedious, I didn't like BurnOut2 because it was easier than Jordan.

    But I did like BurnOut because it was challenging, but I don't like F1 games because when you do make it simulation you have to "know" the tracks, and I can only remember about 3 tracks before the first one I memorised gets knocked out, Melbourne, Hockenheim and possibly Suzuka, and when its easy it's easy.

    MSR, Project gotham were alright upto a point, but that too got boring, once I "know" the game that seems to be it, and the track design was a little loose. I think the best driving game I have played recently has to be Le-Mans 24 on the Dreamcast, that had everything, 22 cars, lush physics, demanding gameplay, dynamic weather.

    SO what are your favourite driving games, or otherwise, I need to get an angle on this. Wheel or no wheel?

    Do you like Ralyy games? theres a whole bunch of them around, most are rubbish though although Shox on the PS2 is an exeption.
    Sega GT 2002 is also a GT3 beater IMO way more fun


      I adore the Ridge Racer series, ever since I sat in that Mazda MX-5 at Blackpool back in 1993, the pure racing feel of the series as a whole has appealed to me.

      People complained about the fact that the first game only had one course (along with the Expert extension) yet for me this was one of the game's strong points when I first came to play the game. Like yourself I have trouble memorising loads of different track layouts, whereas for Ridge I only had to concentrate on learning one course and the way Namco had designed the scenary was brilliant as the course became memorable from the trackside details. The beachside run before the particularly sharp right hander that leads into the mountains, the first tunnel that you drifted out of and counter drifted onto the bridge and the JCB that signalled the start of the course extension. I'm sure many people can picture exactly how the first Ridge course runs and what trackside details are present, and this is a testament to the genious design that went into it.

      The single course then meant that the majority of play could be concentrated on refining my driving technique. For months my mates would be challenging on the Time Trial mode constantly pushing Blue Solvavlou as far as it would go and fidning the ideal line around the course, then moving onto Racing #13 (Devil Car) the experience began anew and some of the times were awe inspiring. For some reason I sold this game and deleted my memory card. Still regret it.

      Ridge Racer Revolution came along and instead of replacing the original game, it was played alongside it. Many people complained that the course design was lacking but I think they just found it too hard, as once mastered it is easily on a par with the original course. Certainly executing a perfect run on the Expert course in the White Angel, with those incredibly narrow corners, is a truely exhilerating experience. Plus it added linkup which I still play today (probably the best linkup game for a home console).

      I didn't like Rage Racer at all (didn't feel like a Ridge game, and drifting around corners seemed less effective than driving around them full lock and banging off the sides). R-4 was better but still lacked something.

      RR5 was a spectacular return to form for the series, but enough has been said about that game over the last few weeks so I won't go into that again


        I love all Sega and Namco arcade racers. I hate all the others.

        Simple as that for me


          Gran Turismo(s) leaves me bored.

          I'm currently really into PGR, fair enough if others don't like it, but at the moment it's pushing all my buttons in all the right places. I enjoy Burnout2, just for a good laugh spinning around the streets seeing how long I cango without crashing.

          Once PGR is finished I may well give MGP2 a try, we'll see.


            personally i think GT3 is the greatest racer ever. Sega GT 2002 is just rubbish compared to that.

            With simulation style racers theres no need for anything excpet GT3 and F355 challenge.
            Arcade style has got to be the Ridge Racer series. Nothing better, although maybe initial D will change my thoughts on that. Wave race and f-zero are also great for arcadey fun.
            I tend to like racers which are just racing. I dont like things like wipeout with weapons, or burnout with crashes and loads of traffic. I just want pure racing...thats enough for me


              racing games i like

              gran turismo 3
              ridge racer v
              world rally championship
              wipeout 3 se
              wipeout fusion
              burnout 2
              colin mcrae rally
              sega rally 2
              daytona usa


                Top Tier

                Sega Rally 1 and 2
                Super Mario Kart
                F-Zero x
                Moto GP 1 or 2
                Crazy Taxi (kind of a racing game)
                Colin McRae rally

                Middle Tier

                GT3 (I find it a bit boring, but I can see the appeal)

                Bottom Tier

                Burnout 2 (not sure why I dont like this game at all)
                Wipeout Fusion
                Diddy Kong Racing
                The new TOCA game


                  I think GT3 is rubbish. My Mazda MX5 doesn`t feel like its doing 275mph, and I can win the sunday cup by bouncing off barriers and other cars.



                    There are very few racing games I?ve ever liked, here is a complete list

                    Micro Machines (first MM game on the megadrive)
                    Colin McRae 2
                    Need for Speed 3
                    Ridge Racer type 4
                    Midtown Madness


                      I think GT3 is rubbish. My Mazda MX5 doesn`t feel like its doing 275mph, and I can win the sunday cup by bouncing off barriers and other cars.

                      He's still got it

                      But you did forget to mention that you have to leave Traction and Stability control on before throwing it away and proclaiming it as boring.


                        best: colin mcrae rally, gran turismo 3, wipeout 2097, f-zero GBA, ridge racer V....

                        brilliant: colin mcrae rally 2, rollcage stage 2, wipeout3:SE, total immersion racing, TOCA2, ridge racer type 4, namco moto GP2, sony/psygnosis formula one series..

                        good: firebugs, WRC & WRC Extreme, GTC africa, rally championship, destruction derby raw, rollcage, motorhead, mario kart, TOCA WTC, gran turismo 2, shox, wipeout fusion, micro machines v3, supersonic racers.....

                        hmm: extreme G3, v-rally 2, wild wild racing, colin mcrae rally 3, no fear mountain biking, porsche challenge, lotus challenge, burnout, micro maniacs..

                        crap: WRC arcade, formula one arcade, rally masters, toca race driver, auto modellista...

                        and thats about all the racers ive played that i can think of at the moment :S


                          best racer ever=F355
                          best arcade game=outrun
                          most addictive=segarally series
                          biggest advancement=GT


                            Yes, I too enjoy racers. Come sun, rain or snow, you can guarantee I'll shove a racer on one of my consoles during the day.

                            Recently, there hasn't been a lot that's really enjoyable. I don't mean to make that sound like they're bad, 'cos they ain't; they're fun games, just not great fun Something like World Racing is an example of one of these games; some bits are bad (normal racing), others are great (objective racing, off-road, test track stuff).

                            Burnout 2 is a recent star title for me, especially with the force-feedback wheel available for the 'cube, but XBox version has the competitive edge (although, not in a racing sense). Can't think of many more to be honest, other than those mentioned. Moto GP 2 is utterly fantastic and perfect if you have Live. Even if you're more of a car guy it still presents a decent racing challenge, with a good sense of racing physics to gain that competitive edge over your opponents.

                            Why not go back in the day a bit? I love the Ridge Racer games on the PSX and Type 4 is awesome; hasn't aged a bit and I'd probably go as far as saying it has aged much better than Daytona You got TOCA 2 too, arguable the best in the series (recent game included) and the original Colin McRae games. I've already mentioned Daytona, so why not grab it for the DC or Saturn (import-a-must)?? DC though, you've got F355 to go along with Le Mans 24hr; perfect via. link up and probably the best racing experience in the home with an official wheel. Sega Rally 2 also features on the DC, and while the Jap game is pretty good, it isn't a patch on the 50p Saturn Sega Rally which can still hold its own in amongst the next gen racers.

                            Also, dig out that N64 for another decent Ridge game and some other classy titles like F-Zero X, Beetle Adventure, Mario Kart and Excite Bike. And, if you're feeling a bit crazy, why not dust off the Mega Drive/SNES and give some of the "almost MOT failures but still running" greats a go, like Virtua Racing and Mario Kart?

                            Wheel or no wheel; all depends on the game really. Only three games stand out (for me) as a better experience with a wheel, and they are Daytona (DC), the awesome F355 and Burnout 2; just get one and give it a go

                            Can't wait to sample some of the force-feedback delight Sega and Nintendo have in store for us with the new F-Zero...


                              Originally posted by Dave SS
                              best racer ever=F355
                              best arcade game=outrun
                              most addictive=segarally series
                              biggest advancement=GT
                              Cor, it's amazing who'll show up and park their car on the curb, given a good topic like this :P

