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DS-PSP link up a possibility?

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    DS-PSP link up a possibility?

    I've been taking a look at the new Worms games for PSP and DS. They both have the same box art and title: Worms Open Warfare. The title suggests that wi-fi multiplayer will be a big part of both games and I got to wondering if a PSP player will be able to play against a DS player over wi-fi.

    It seems unthinkable at first but don't forget that communication between different machines actually happens all the time. A few examples being PSP-PS2, PSP-360, DC-PC, DC-NGPC, GBA-GC etc etc...

    So it's possible in theory, I guess. If it could be pulled off then that would absolutely rule. I doubt it'll happen though.
    Last edited by Kaladron; 21-12-2005, 09:46.

    Could be possible i suppose. I don't thing worms will be a taxing game for the DS to handle a cross over.

    I mean the players on the 360 version of FFXI can play against the PS2 players, because the 360 version isn't a huge upgrade.

    It would be cool though.
    Last edited by stormbreak; 20-12-2005, 22:24.


      That would be so forward thinking, any developer that manages to get it implemented would instantly win a prize (or something).


        I'd send them good vibes for free!

        That's a superb idea Kaladron.
        Build a natty website and sell yourself as an "idea consultant" promoting "cross platform communication" or something. You'll probably make loads of money somehow.


          No real difference between this and all the numerous types of middle ware out there that allow different servers to communicate with each other

          If they can make big nasty mainframes talk to snazzy e10k machines then surely it would be a peice of piss to get a ds talking to a psp


            I was gonna say, TCP/IP handles all of it by default anyway.

            data type sizes/endian conversion etc


              I've got a good feeling about this. Team 17 have always tried to come up with technically impressive games - Doom clones on the Amiga, deformable 3D in Worms 3D etc...

              ...So they may just have something up their sleeves. The bottom line is if they do it then I will have loads more people to (potentially) play Worms against.


                I'd have thought all you need is some interfacing software on your (and opponents) PC that works to convert the signal code of a DS to PSP format and vice versa. Would maybe need a different plug-in or something for each game though but I really don't see why it wouldn't be possible as long as the games and levels are exactly the same, which they may well not be.
                That would be so forward thinking, any developer that manages to get it implemented would instantly win a prize (or something).
                I think they'd be more likely to win a damn good telling off from Nintendo or Sony though.


                  I'm not sure what PCs have to do with it. I'm thinking about 1 PSP and 1 DS (in a field maybe) with no other machines around.


                    I think the protocols would need to have a convertor in the middle to work as the data formats that are sent are most likely incompatible. Of course, I suppose the developer might do it in software but... I dunno. I think the telling off would be forthcoming should anyone actively advertise that their cross-platform games talked to each other coz hardware makers are so bloody over-protective.


                      think of it this way

                      they can both surf the web right?

                      thats http over tcp ip, if they can manage that, I'm sure they can get a game going, in fact I bet the homebrewers could with a simple SDL based game or something.


                        Originally posted by Kaladron
                        I'm not sure what PCs have to do with it. I'm thinking about 1 PSP and 1 DS (in a field maybe) with no other machines around.
                        Do you normally sit in fields and play games!?

                        Someone had to say it!

                        It would be a cool thing if they done it though, still just a gimmick at the end of the day though really and not really worth them putting time into it so I wouldnt see it happening.


                          I can't imagine that Sony / Nintendo would officially allow the two consoles to talk directly to each other, though it would be cool if they did.

                          A more realistic scenario would be something similar to FFXI (As has been mentioned), where connections are controlled via a server.


                            Originally posted by Rossco
                            It would be a cool thing if they done it though, still just a gimmick at the end of the day though really and not really worth them putting time into it so I wouldnt see it happening.
                            Don't see why not though, once the code's done then it can just be inserted into whatever they're developing for cross-platforms.


                              It's not as simple as just assuming they can talk because they're both 802.11b compatible. It's the application that runs over the protocols that won't be compatible, and why some sort of peer would be needed inbetween to bridge the data.

