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Game Stats - Brilliant!

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    Game Stats - Brilliant!

    Ive noticed a number of games these days provide all sorts of statistics based on your gametime, just a post to say really how much I like this simple idea. Its another incentive for you to actually play the game, it also feels good to look at how much time you have invested into your purchase (of course, you could say its time you could/should of been doing something more productive with but ho hum), for example Ive clocked around 26 hours on Ridge 6 which for my standards makes it money very well spent.

    During that time Ive also driven 1601 miles, fought 13 international battles online, with a sorry 7% win percentage. Ridge is a basic example, but load up the PSP GTA Liberty Cities and you get page after page of stats, from the important to the downright ridiculous (always loved the 'how many times you have looked at this stats page' stat).

    Any interesting stats you have come across? Or am I the only geek on this board who finds this sorta thing curious..

    If you think the stats in Liberty City Stories are mind-bogglingly anal/impressive, then you should check out San Andreas. The wealth of information is insane, from meals eaten to how much you've spent on clothes - every inch of your life is measured in that game.


      I love em, was especially shocked when I looked at my stats for Outrun 2 and found out I'd actually clocked up over 40 hours on it when I'd decided there wasn't that much for me to keep coming back to. It actually really changed my opinion of the game.

      Seeing hours up in the high 100s on games like PSO can be a tad depressing tho, I know someone who clockd up over 1000 hours, we'd worked out that was more than an entire fortnight of playing the game 24/7.


        That's actually at least more than a month and a half of non-stop play.


          Its a good idea, but people still decide to try to cheat with stats, e.g. Battlefield 2 and Conkers Live and Reloaded.

          Wth no other gain than a fictional award.


            I always wanted a stats information sheet in Shenmue II. A lot of the passport content in Shenmue that was online served no purpose in being on there (bar the can trades) except to show off that the DC was net connected.


              I LOVE stats in games. And I was quite gutted to see CoD2 doesnt have a atsts page as I'd love to see how many bullets I've fired, how many frags and smoke grenades I've used, people killed with grenades, times killed myself, times killed by grenades etc etc.

              Would have been a good addition.


                I'm kind of hoping that the Revolution, with it's spatial cabilities will be able to psychologically profile the player's frustrations, listing how many times the remote has been thrown, how many times the console has been switched off or booted about the room. Microsoft could perhaps measure how many times someone spews profanities when you use the headset on Live... :P


                  i always liked looking at the stats on timesplitters 2, even if it was just to see weather id got a gold award for that stat to add to arcade awards page


                    Originally posted by Concept
                    If you think the stats in Liberty City Stories are mind-bogglingly anal/impressive, then you should check out San Andreas. The wealth of information is insane
                    PSP Wipeout Pure is another very stat-heavy game.


                      burnout revenge has some neat stats like how many feet you've drifted, how long you've boosted etc.


                        PGR3 has loads - Apparantly I have been on 2 wheels on 138 occasions.


                          FFxi the only stats you get total play time which can be very drepessing to look at.

                          But once a year there's an event that allows you look at about 20 different stats, from Battles fought, Killing blows delt, npc's talked to, Quests/missions completed, Deaths, Run away's, etc,etc.


                            Originally posted by DavidHolliss
                            PSP Wipeout Pure is another very stat-heavy game.
                            Yeah, I've had a keen eye on Pure's stats ever since it's release, although they lie a little. The actual clock doesn't add up all the time (I think it only measures when the racing begins/ends), as I'm sure I've played far more than the 85 or so hours it says I've been playing.

                            The Silent Hill series is another stat-favoured bunch of games. When you complete them, you always get a sheet on how many enemies you killed, how many medikits you used, how long it took to complete, your overall rating, ending etc. etc.


                              I really like the stats in Panzer Dragoon Orta, especially the way it classes your play style.

