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360 Condemned demo now up on XBL

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    360 Condemned demo now up on XBL

    If its been around for a while, I apologise. I'm pretty sure it be new.

    No I think its new.


      Yeah I'm pretty sure it's new. I'll download it as soon as I get home.


        Cool, I look forward to downloading this. The Kameo demo was amazingly good fun!


          How bloody typical, the demo hits the marketplace a couple of days AFTER I purchase the game...

          They've taken a leaf out of PCGamer's book and they keep posting demos up on marketplace after the game is already out to buy, OXM had Full Auto on their disk last month and thats not out until next year, why is THAT not on marketplace I wonder?

          It happened with Kameo too, although in fairness I did get that one for free


            I got round to downloading the demo earlier and I'II definatly be purchasing it, the atmoshere is great and I was on the edge of my seat throughout.


              easily one best games ive ever played..... must buy if u ask me!

              had to wash my pants constantly from ****ting tem though.

              I want a dam DOA4 demo.. with online play


                Just downloaded it, will give it a shot tomorrow.


                  On a lesser, but related note, I've just noticed that there is now a demo of Quake 4 on the Marketplace available, weighing in at 600.44MB.

                  I'm trying to download it now, but I don't think that my connection is going to help - when trying to download Condemned I was progressing at 3% every 10 minutes (!).


                    Thanks for the heads up on this!

                    Got the demo this morning, played it, loved what I saw, really nice graphics and effects etc. then the crackheads turned up, **** my pants and off it went!

                    I'm sure it gets even better just I don't do Horror type games on my own!


                      I just grabbed the Quake 4 demo from market place. It's the same as the PC demo that was released ages ago, only with a much lower frame rate. I thought it was weak on the PC, but at least was 60fps there... but on 360... it's all over the place from 20fps to 30, sometimes (but not often) a little higher.

                      Totally generic gameplay too. Wow, what a stinker.


                        On the plus side tho, Q4 does have an online mode in the demo which is worth checking out.

