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Games you have finished in 06 and those your promise/want to

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    Finished: Call of Duty 2, Perfect Dark Zero, Tomb Raider Legend, King Kong

    Playing: Oblivion, PGR3, Burnout Revenge, Ghost Recon AW

    Wanted: Hitman Blood Money, Prey, LOTR: BFMEII


      Castlevania Symphony Of The night ( Again! )
      Dragons Quest 8 (PS2)
      Shadow Of The Collosus (PS2)
      Far Cry (Xbox)
      Genji: Dawn of Samurai (PS2)
      Vagarant Story (again) (PSX)
      Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (GC) - All medals
      Racket & Clank 3 (PS2)
      Jak 3 (PS2)


        Thus far this year I've completed;

        Osu Tetake Ouendan! (and s-ranked it all )
        Guitar Hero
        New Super Mario Bros
        The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion (my game of the year pick so far)
        Shadow of the Colossus, which I just finished today
        And the following shmups but i'm not sure they count;
        Ibara (I can *almost* 1cc this now)
        DodonPachi (ditto)

        Unfortunately I have quite the 'got halfway through, stopped, quite possibly won't play again' pile:

        Phoenix Wright
        Dragon Quest 8
        Tetris DS
        Zelda 4 swords (GC, got it super cheap from play-asia)
        Rez (ditto, didn't enjoy)

        I'm expecting out of those, the only one I'll re-visit is phoenix wright, which I would have finished if Oblivion hadn't come out a few days into me owning it.

        This is an absolutely massive list for me, I can't remember playing anything all the way through for the whole of 05.


          Originally posted by ste

          Unfortunately I have quite the 'got halfway through, stopped, quite possibly won't play again' pile:

          Tetris DS
          Is Tetris a game you can ever finish and cross off? I was planning to get this just to play online.

          This summer now I'm lacking a PS2 after moving out of my old house I'm going to concentrate on all things GC:

          Zelda: Wind Waker - Only started this year and since I was using my ex's brother's copy I have to get my own to carry on. Top of my list to finish.

          These I've owned for a while and left to restart again, be nice to finish them off before the Wii comes out or I get too into the DS:

          Metroid Prime
          Viewitful Joe
          Billy Hatcher (started playing this again, forgot how fun it was)
          Adventure Island
          Last edited by stainboy; 17-06-2006, 13:34. Reason: Adding my own list


            phoenix wright
            Half-life 2
            GTA SA(only the story)
            Wario ware touched (unlocked all the toys n stuff)
            jet set radio future

            Next games i'm going to play:
            splinter cell chaos theory
            dreamfall: the longest journey


              Is Tetris a game you can ever finish and cross off? I was planning to get this just to play online.
              I meant Tetris more in a "I bought it but never really played it at all yet" sort of way, though there are mission modes and stuff I think you can finish.



                Zelda: Ocarina of Time
                Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
                Kingdom Hearts 2
                Grandia III

                Currently Playing

                Final Fantasy IV Advance
                Final Fantasy XI (suppose you can't exactly 'complete' this)

                Huge backlog of stuff to finish, or even start playing... but with Wii round the corner, my plan to start Oblivion soon, FFXII coming etc, the other 2 .hack games as well as the forthcoming GU, Phantasy Star Universe soon, I won't be revisting the backlog any time soon.


                  Finished Oddworld: Strangers Wrath today and for the most part thoroughly enjoyed it. First longish game I've been able to stick with for ages.

                  Also finished Aladdin on the SNES, but it doesnt really count as it's so easy


                    Finshed Advance Wars: Dual Strike, very to the rock hard umm hard mode


                    Way to hard -SOLD :-#
                    Last edited by Welrain; 04-09-2006, 19:24.


                      Finished all 4 .hack games now, really good fun. Flawed, and seem really crap at first, but they grow on you.
                      Now I've watched SIGN, played all 4 games, watched the Liminality OVA's, read AI Buster, read the Legend of the Twilight manga... gotta watch Roots and I'm prepped for .hack//GU later this year!

                      Re-playing FFVII right now, as I've not played it for about 6 years and have forgotten most of the plot... wanna rememeber so I can move on to Dirge of Cerberus.


                        I finally got around to finishing MGS3: Subsistence earlier. After a legendary rant about how **** I thought Snake Eater was (no radar + organic environment + fixed camera = frustration) I was keen to try it with the 3D camera and boy, what a difference it makes, even for all the other flaws like cluttered controls. Apart from one annoying sequence in the run up to the final boss I thoroughly enjoyed it. Fantastic ending as well, which was refreshing after so many games with a 30-second ending cinematic.

                        In all it took me a shade over 20 hours and I got the Panther rating.

                        On the subject of the cluttered controls, I really hope they take the time to rethink them a bit for MGS4. I watch the trailers and see plenty of new moves and just fear that they're going to struggle to squeeze them into an already-full repertoire. Example: in the final boss fight I was

                        laying in the grass and sniping by lifting my head up. To do this I had to hold all four shoulder buttons in a certain order and handle the fire button while making sure I pressed it hard enough to register as a shot and maintaining constant pressure on L2 and R2 to stop my view bobbing up and down

                        . Not exactly user friendly.
                        Last edited by NekoFever; 13-10-2006, 23:00.


                          Originally posted by NekoFever
                          Example: in the final boss fight I was

                          laying in the grass and sniping by lifting my head up. To do this I had to hold all four shoulder buttons in a certain order and handle the fire button while making sure I pressed it hard enough to register as a shot and maintaining constant pressure on L2 and R2 to stop my view bobbing up and down

                          . Not exactly user friendly.
                          Never played it, but mate you have to be joking!! That sounds frankly insane.


                            It's not actually as bad as it sounds since you kind of get the hang of it over 20 hours, but when you write it out like that it does sound a bit ridiculous.


                              I'm finally pulling my finger out and completing some golden games that I shamefully haven't played/completed yet.

                              I just completed Klonoa 2 over that last two days. Great game.
                              Others to do this year are -

                              Shadow of the Colossus
                              Resi 4
                              Rayman game (Never completed any of them but I own most of them. I don't think I've even put an hour into any of them)
                              Sly Cooper 1
                              Drill Dozer

                              Will save Killer 7 and P.N.03 for replay.

                              Ones completed in the last 2 months.

                              Klonoa 2
                              Strawberry Shortcake: Sweet Dreams
                              Warioware: Twisted
                              Tomb Raider: Legends
                              Rhythm Tengoku
                              Jak and Daxter: The precursor Legacy

                              Ones that I can remember from earlier in the year.

                              Guitar Hero
                              Pitfall: The Lost Expedition
                              Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 1+2+3 (What a fun week that was)
                              Doom 3
                              Quake 4
                              Serious Sam 2
                              Psychonauts (2 times, one 100%)
                              Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth.
                              TOCA Race Driver 3
                              Pacman World 3
                              Beyond Good and Evil
                              Bone: Out from Boneville
                              Dungeon Siege II
                              Another World Hires
                              + atleast 20 others. Canne be arsed to trawl moby games.


                                Doubt I'll be completing owt else this year, so my final 2006 list stands at this...

                                Project Gotham 3 - silvers (360)
                                Tony Hawk's American Wasteland (360)
                                Grandia 3 (PS2)
                                Tales of Legendia (PS2)
                                Wild Arms 4 (PS2)

                                Drill Dozer (GBA)
                                The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - main quest (360)
                                Gitaroo Man (PS2)
                                Ape Escape 3 (PS2)
                                Ico (PS2)
                                Samurai Jack: The Shadow Of Aku (PS2)

                                Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS)
                                Suikoden V (PS2)
                                Guitar Hero - medium (PS2)
                                Denki Blocks - tournament (GBA)
                                Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth of Destiny (PS2)
                                New Super Mario Bros. (DS)
                                Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil (PS2)
                                Dragon Quest VIII (PS2)
                                Summon Night: Swordcraft Story (GBA)

                                Rhythm Tengoku (GBA)
                                Shadow Hearts: Covenant (PS2)
                                Alundra (PSone)
                                Final Fantasy IV Advance (GBA)

                                Lego Star Wars (Xbox)
                                Cloning Clyde (360)
                                Enchanted Arms (360)
                                Lego Star Wars II - 100% (360)
                                Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime (DS)
                                Gitaroo Man Lives! - medium (PSP)
                                LocoRoco (PSP)
                                Elite Beat Agents - divas (DS)
                                Tales of the Abyss (PS2)
                                Sam & Max: Culture Shock (PC)
                                Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
                                Guitar Hero II - medium (PS2)
                                Super Mario 64 (N64/Wii)
                                Rayman Raving Rabbids (Wii)
                                Final Fantasy V Advance (GBA)

                                I put all the RPGs in bold since they required quite some time and it interested me to see!

